Atwood, Robert C said:
... (snobal text removed) ...
> Any thoughts on using a tool like lex/yacc / flex/bison for parser
> generation?

For the parser that I am working on, I am using Python.  I
have the complete parser working now, using simpleparse, which
uses an EBNF description as its input.  I am currently working
on the API and filling in the data structures from the
callbacks.  The basic structure of my parser is this:

A) Run a preprocessor that does the following:
   1) Determine if I am looking at pre-2.0 ABC or not.
   2) Remove line continuations (doing it correctly depending
      on the ABC version)
   3) Remove all % style comments (not %% directives) and store
      them for later use (if needed).
   4) In pre-2.0 ABC files, if ! is used as a decoration marker
      (!ff!), then change it to 2.0 syntax: +ff+.
   5) If an H: field is found in the header, then any lines that
      follow it that do not start with '%%' or have ':' as the
      second character will be changed to have 'H: ' before them.
      (I believe that this is a problem in the 2.0 specification,
      which says that the H: is a multiline header - it is
      a royal pain to do this nicely in the BNF, do I handle
      it here).
    6) The %% syntax is irrelevant with the new I: format.  As
       such, the %% syntax is removed and replaced with I: format.
B) Use an EBNF description to completely parse the file.  I am
   using an EBNF that I wrote that is based on the ABC 2.0 ABNF
   written by Henrik Norbeck.  I added a couple of things to the
   EBNF to allow parsing older ABC files and corrected a number
   of mistakes and places where the grammar was ambiguous.
C) The parser calls callbacks in python which I use to populate
   the data structures.  I am still working on the data structures
   that I use.

So far, I have been able to parse all of the ABC files in my
small test suite (about 10 ABC files, including a couple of
very large files).

You can find the code as it stands right now at:


tom satter - or just plain old tom
(303) 543-7623 (home)

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