This is getting really offtopic so i will try not to drag this out any

On 25 Mar 2002, Jonathan Blandford wrote:

> Alan Horkan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > You should re-read my earlier messages.

> GTK 2 is already available on windows to a much greater extent than
> before.  It's not an official locked down release, as there's still some
> instability in the code base, but the API is basically fixed, and it'll
> be done on a time scale much faster than writing a spreadsheet/wp will
> be.

That is good to know but again with reuse of code and the fact that i
never said it had to be written from scratch (although i understand the
unfortunate mentality of most programmers to reimplement the wheel).

> [ For what it's worth, the platform-independent spreadsheet code in
>   gnumeric is much larger than the gnome-specific code there.  There
>   just isn't a lot of it.  With gnumeric 2.0, there's even less 'gnome'
>   code.  Porting gnumeric to windows is certainly a much easier task
>   than writing a spreadsheet from scratch.  Free software has never been
>   much about 'easier', though. (-: ]

I was never aware of there being ANY developer interest in having Gnumeric
run on Windows, i am used to hostility from Linux developers every time i
want to run applications on both the operating systems i use (I am used to
it, but i dont like it).  I like to choose the application i use
irrespective of what operating system i am using at the time.  I may be
using Linux over a remote connection from a windows box to send this mail
but tomorrow i might be using BSD, or Mac or a different operating systems
entirely.  I hardly know what Operating System i will be using tomorrow,
so i have no idea what Operting System i will be using in 5 years time.
Cross platfrom software is another protection from vendor lock in and a
freedom i value.

> Thanks,
> -Jonathan

[please reply to me directly offlist
You would not happen to know if Red Hat have any operations in Ireland?  I
think they have some sort of training and certification licensee in Cork
but i am dont know any details and the web page only provides an

Alan Horkan

Would love to get summer work with RedHat or Sun or any other company
that gets Open Source.
And as part of the Computer Science society, i would also love to get more
of our University to use Linux.

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