You should re-read my earlier messages.

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002, Petr Tomasek wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 04:14:08PM +0000, Alan Horkan wrote:
> >
> > I like Gnome, i use Gnome on Linux and FreeBSD
> > but i also use Windows98 and i dont consider installing an xserver and the
> > whole Gnome desktop appropriate or even easy just for one or two
> > applications.
> Why to use xserver? Since we now have gtk-2.0 more or less xp,

i was under the impression that gtk-2.0 was not going to be available on
windows for quite a while.
If fat binaries of gnumeric are available for windows soon i would
consider using it instead of open office.  (do they want a Nullsoft
instaler for it?)

Thanks for the information.

> > gotta go
> > i am on <56k dialup, the local telecom monopoly sucks rocks and would
> > rather bleed its ISDN customers than roll out ADSL.
> >
> And therefore you need AbiCalc?

Are you trying to be difficult!  That is irrelavant, i have access to
another faster connection and other ways of getting software.

Like i said before why not.  Im willing to sponsor open source
development, give me a break.

> (Anyway, I'm not opposing you do it, It just seems to, that there are
> other things - like tables and footnotes in Abiword, etc. - that are
> much more important, at least for now.)

Yeah but no one offered to pay for them yet.  This whole project is based
on volunteer developers that choose what intersts them.  i was just trying
to find out if there was a developer that shared my interst and would do a
make a start on the idea.

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