G'day Jeff

I hope you don't mind, but I thought I might add a few additional comments to 
this thread!

I am not sure exactly what you are trying to achieve, but here are some 
possible ideas.

As some people have already mentioned, there is a application available that 
allows you to record AG sessions, this being AGVCR.  More information can be 
found  at:

·         http://www.accessgrid.org/project/agvcr

·         http://www.accessgrid.org/node/1053 (Some basic notes can also be 
found here)

As indicated, if you record an entire Access Grid session, the file size can be 
quite large (Depending on the number of participants).

The AGVCR application allows you the ability to select the participants you 
wish to record and secondly, the ability to edit and resave a pre-recording and 
thus removing unwanted video and audio streams to reduce file size.

I also suggest that you also look at the "Windows Standalone Run-time" setup, 
which would allow you to provide someone externally the support files and the 
AG recording, in which people could then use to view the recording.

Additionally, as mentioned, VPCScreen Capture allows you to capture a 
presentation and transmit it as another video stream.  The benefit of this is 
that this can then be recorded as part of an AGVCR recording.

This may or may not offer you exactly what you are chasing.  As mentioned in 
other threads, the Access Grid is hard to record in a format suitable, ie AVI, 
mpeg, etc.  The main reason for this is that each of the video streams are 
separate entities and therefore, how does one "layout" all of the streams so 
that one single video recording can be made (Obviously this is a lot easier if 
you only want a single camera video stream to record).

·         One method I have seen, which unfortunately takes up a fair bit of 
time to do, is to replay a recording, or even do this live, is position all the 
video streams on a single display.  Then either through some sort of scan 
converter, vga capture box, or whatever, push the video image and then capture 
both the video and audio through some sort of black box recorder.

Anyway, I hope you find some of this information useful.



From: Jeffrey Miller [mailto:jmill...@nd.edu]
Sent: Friday, 22 February 2008 01:09 AM
To: ag-t...@mcs.anl.gov
Subject: [AG-TECH] Digital DVR

Looking for a commercial grade DVR that will record my AG sessions. Want to 
record to the hard drive via .avi or .wmv then be able to transfer to DVD.

All the consumer versions like Tivo are all full of recording "off-air" and 
full of TV Guide menus that I don't want or need.

Any suggestions?


Jeffrey L. Miller
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Office of Information Technologies
University of Notre Dame
G016 ITC Building
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Office; 574-631-6850
Cell 574-261-1895

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