undoubtedly, internet explorer is a component of windows operating system.
it doesn't matter, are you browsing or not, number of files and utilities of
internet explorer are used by operating system, as well as some other
applications in background.  sometimes you have noticed while installing
some setup of application, it is recommended that to install internet 5 or
higher version to use this programme.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sudhir R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Access India" <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: [AI] Role of Internet Explorer

> Hi folks !
> This is more of an academic question, though of course, it has practical
implications for all screen reader users.
> As we have all learnt from experience, any degradation of Internet
Explorer immediately seems to affect the performance of Jaws, even when one
is not browsing.  This implies IE has a larger role to play within the OS
and not just as a browser.  I remember a particular sentence in Cathy's
tutorials where she refers to Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer and My
computer as three different views of the same piece of code.
> Can someone kindly throw some difinitive light on this matter ?
> Regards
> RS
> M: 98 472 76 126
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