  My sincere thanks for all the 
  congratulatory messages that I've received.
  Finally I am seeing the good days at work yet again, and my contribution is 
duly recognized by the new manager.
  Thanks for all the support given by AI during my tough times.
  I wish AI all the very best for all it's future plans and endevors.
  Thanks and regards
Harish Kotian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi Parimala

Good to learn about the change of guard at your work place. The same old 
rivalry, one female not being able to stand another one . On a 
serious note, it certainly happens subjective factors takes over to an 
otherwise objective decision. All in all good and sincere efforts shall get 
duely recognised and you shall see the light of the day at the end of the 

Like it or not we have to saddle ourselves with a huge sack of patience. The 
pain of enduring it withers out as soon as we taste success.

Keep up with your 200% efforts.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "parimala shinde" 

Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] IT sector starts shedding its differently abled resources.

> Hay list!!!
> Sorry for the late reply
> It feels great to be writing to the list after a long long time.
> I remember posting my greeviences about the same on to the list a year 
> back, where I briefly explained the kind of discrimination 1 of my hearing 
> impaired friend and myself went through.
> Let me share the good news with all of you.
> Our performances have bin recognized, and we have bin converted to fixed 
> term hires from short service providers.
> And with the passage of time, we would even be converted to regular 
> employees.
> So, there is no need to worry about the job security for the differently 
> abled IBMers if the performence is good enough.
> I also remember writing to the list about the hostile manager who 
> pledged to destroy my career at IBM.
> I am thrilled to declare that my life at IBM is quite safe as the lady is 
> moved out of my team, and my new manager is completely confident about my 
> capabilities.
> Hope to hear some good news from all of us in trubble at work.>
> Thanks and regards
> Parimala
>> Hope the list members recollect an issue I had raised about six months 
>> back - about the so-called new employers of the differently abled, the IT 
>> & ITES companies, keeping the disabled resources on long periods of 
>> contract, without confirming them.
>> The ensuing discussion had centred on the benefits of the contract system 
>> and how it was really progressive. The issue was swept under the carpet 
>> unlike other "serious" issues like discrimination by airlines against the 
>> visually challenged, the mistakes in grammar in the list postings, etc.
>> Now that the IT sector has started feeling the heat of the Rupee 
>> appreciation and the US economic melt-down, the poor disabled resources 
>> have started getting contract termination notices. Funnily, a 
>> multinational behemoth which describes itself as an equal opportunity 
>> employer and draws lot of media publicity from this is one of the first 
>> to initiate action that might impact some of our own list members.
>> There is little that we can do but sit and watch as the most important 
>> social security mechanism available to the Indian blind, a steady job, is 
>> kicked out from their grasp thanks to biased corporate policies. While 
>> appreciating the fact that job mobility is the in-thing in a globalised 
>> existence, let us not forget that the disadvantaged in India, like us 
>> disabled, do not have an elaborate social security mechanism to fall back 
>> on in such circumstances.
>> Finally, when all the hype dies down, the only recourse to the disabled 
>> who are not from well-heeled families may still be government jobs and / 
>> or traditional sectors like teaching, vocational trades and 
>> self-employment.
>> Rgds
>> RS
>> M: 98 472 76 126
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