The Companies Act Amendment Bill, which was tabled in Parliament in
the Budget session that adjourned last week, has proposed to allow
Indian companies
to merge with overseas companies, a move that could introduce greater
flexibility in cross-border merger and acquisitions (M&As).

At present Sections 391-394 of the Companies Act, 1956, allow only
foreign companies to merge with Indian ones. The Bill has introduced
Section 205 that
also allows the reverse and stipulates that payment to shareholders of
listed Indian companies being merged can be in the form of cash,
shares or Indian
Depository Receipts (IDRs) issued by the overseas companies.

The amendment was first suggested in 2005 by an expert committee on
company law chaired by Tata Sons Director J J Irani.

If this amendment goes through, it will meet a key demand of many
multinational companies investing in India.

Legal experts said the merger of an Indian company with a foreign one
can help structure M&A deals in many ways. For example, if an overseas
company has
acquired another foreign company that has a subsidiary in India, the
new provision will allow the acquirer to merge the Indian operations
with itself,
instead of retaining it as a separate entity.

Similarly, if the Indian subsidiary is incurring losses, the overseas
company may prefer to merge the Indian subsidiary with itself to gain
maximum tax
benefits by offsetting losses of the subsidiary against its profits.

The provision may also make it easier for promoters of Indian
companies to raise funds abroad by setting up listed entities abroad
and merging their Indian
operations with them.

The proposed amendment in the Companies Act says, "The provisions
shall apply... to schemes of mergers and amalgamations between
companies registered under
this Act and companies incorporated in the jurisdictions of such
countries as may be notified from time to time by the central
government". Not all countries
allow the merger of local companies with foreign entities.

The Irani Committee had also recommended that the amendment follow
international best practices and be made with suitable changes to the
tax and foreign
exchange legislations and IDR provisions.


Business Standard
mukesh jain.

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