Dear Rajesh

May I clarrify when I meant "washing dirty linen in public" was repremanding in 

Any change in structure or composition, its call will have to be taken by 
Kiran, the list owner.

Harish Kotian

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Asudani, Rajesh" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Bill allows merger of Indian companies with foreign firms

> Dear and respected moderator
> I am perturbed at your saying that I am washing dirty linen in public.
> I only wrote what I feel as differential treatment in the matter of OT 
> postings and suspension/expulsion of a few members viz-a-viz other members.
> I clarified that it is a general feeling, and I too subscribe to it.
> In the earlier matter of Mr. P.C. Thahir being expelled, I had publicly 
> espoused the view supporting him along with a few other members.
> It is not at all private matter between me and Mr. Harish Kotian, the 
> moderator.
> I had put forth a few suggestions about moderatorial responsibilities being 
> handled by a panel, to dispel doubts and democratize the process further.
> In this, I don't think I disturbed the decorum.
> However, if it is felt that I did something to that effect, I apologize to 
> the group and the moderator.
> Further, it seems that my suggestions and views have not met with anybody's 
> response even after 24 hours, and have failed to generate a general 
> discussion.
> So, maybe, it is true that I am the only one opining as detailed in my 
> previous mail, and subscribing to panel view.
> If so, I stand by my views and suggestions as an individual only.
> And the further discussion about this topic is subject to moderator's 
> discretion.
> Regards
> Rajesh Asudani
> Assistant General Manager (PPS),
> Reserve Bank of India
> Nagpur
> 09420397185
> O: 0712 2806676
> Res: 0712 2591349
> Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?"
> John Milton
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Harish Kotian
> Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AI] Bill allows merger of Indian companies with foreign firms
> Hello Rajesh
> Usually, a repremand mail is sent privately. It was done at this instance as 
> well. When I saw repeated OT postings he has now been debared immediately 
> thereafter from making any postings.
> Don't worry things are under control, however, dirty linen is not washed 
> publically, I suppose that maintains the docorrum.
> Warmly
> Harish Kotian
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Asudani, Rajesh" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 10:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Bill allows merger of Indian companies with foreign firms
>> Dear Moderator and fellow accessIndians,
>> I am not a person to write on these topics easily.
>> However, the present mail by the member who posted it, does violate the 
>> fundamental guidelines and the purpose of the group.
>> It is not the case that member is new, or he posts such off-topic mails once 
>> in a blue moon, which I think can be tolerated.
>> The practice with him is a regular one and he even appends justifications 
>> sometimes.
>> The established practice in AI is to forward such mail to moderator for his 
>> approval.
>> In the present mail, he has even foregone the need to append 
>> self-justification.
>> I can not usurp the claim to represent other members on the group, however, 
>> it is widely felt that some members like the present mail poster, get away 
>> only with  reprimands sometimes, however, others are just warned once, that 
>> too not necessarily, and are summarily expelled from the group even without 
>> any public announcement irrespective of controversy about their stand or 
>> their willingness to desist from the mistake etc.
>> This, I feel is unwarranted.
>> I can understand that one person may not find time always to moderate such a 
>> large group.
>> So, as a way of relieving moderator of undue burden, and also to further 
>> democratize the process, we may have panel of, say, five moderators, 
>> distributing among themselves, the moderatorial responsibilities, and 
>> decisions on serious matters like suspension/expulsion being taken 
>> unanimously or by majority.
>> This I am suggesting, because the group has exceeded in size and I believe 
>> has more than five hundred members.
>> Rest I leave to wise discretion of moderator and group members.
>> Regards
>> Rajesh Asudani
>> Assistant General Manager (PPS),
>> Reserve Bank of India
>> Nagpur
>> 09420397185
>> O: 0712 2806676
>> Res: 0712 2591349
>> Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?"
>> John Milton
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of mukesh jain
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 10:56 PM
>> To: accessindia
>> Subject: [AI] Bill allows merger of Indian companies with foreign firms
>> The Companies Act Amendment Bill, which was tabled in Parliament in
>> the Budget session that adjourned last week, has proposed to allow
>> Indian companies
>> to merge with overseas companies, a move that could introduce greater
>> flexibility in cross-border merger and acquisitions (M&As).
>> At present Sections 391-394 of the Companies Act, 1956, allow only
>> foreign companies to merge with Indian ones. The Bill has introduced
>> Section 205 that
>> also allows the reverse and stipulates that payment to shareholders of
>> listed Indian companies being merged can be in the form of cash,
>> shares or Indian
>> Depository Receipts (IDRs) issued by the overseas companies.
>> The amendment was first suggested in 2005 by an expert committee on
>> company law chaired by Tata Sons Director J J Irani.
>> If this amendment goes through, it will meet a key demand of many
>> multinational companies investing in India.
>> Legal experts said the merger of an Indian company with a foreign one
>> can help structure M&A deals in many ways. For example, if an overseas
>> company has
>> acquired another foreign company that has a subsidiary in India, the
>> new provision will allow the acquirer to merge the Indian operations
>> with itself,
>> instead of retaining it as a separate entity.
>> Similarly, if the Indian subsidiary is incurring losses, the overseas
>> company may prefer to merge the Indian subsidiary with itself to gain
>> maximum tax
>> benefits by offsetting losses of the subsidiary against its profits.
>> The provision may also make it easier for promoters of Indian
>> companies to raise funds abroad by setting up listed entities abroad
>> and merging their Indian
>> operations with them.
>> The proposed amendment in the Companies Act says, "The provisions
>> shall apply... to schemes of mergers and amalgamations between
>> companies registered under
>> this Act and companies incorporated in the jurisdictions of such
>> countries as may be notified from time to time by the central
>> government". Not all countries
>> allow the merger of local companies with foreign entities.
>> The Irani Committee had also recommended that the amendment follow
>> international best practices and be made with suitable changes to the
>> tax and foreign
>> exchange legislations and IDR provisions.
>> (12-Aug-09)
>> Business Standard
>> thanks,
>> mukesh jain.
>> --
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