Friends I have received this mail from a coleague in the disability movement. 
many of us support the enactment of a new comprehensive law instead of the 
amendments proposed by the Ministry of Social Justice. The Hon'ble Minister 
seems undecided even now as to whether we should have a new law or he will 
table the amendments. this is the right time to write to the Prime Minister and 
the Social Justice Ministry. The number of letters and emails will make the 
I am forwarding Rajiv's mail and have copied below that the Pledge that he is 
requesting each of us to send. Lets do our little bit and asert our views. 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Dlu South 
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 11:54 AM
Subject: Solidarity - Pledge on the need for new law

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Vidya Sagar!

Please find attached the solidarity pledge.

The disability sector wants a new law and not amendment. But with the news 
articles of different news magazine we are literally confused as to the 
perspective of the Ministry for a new law. Therefore, we would like to propose 
a campaign of sending as many solidarity pledges as possible from the sector to 
the PMO, Concerned Ministries demanding New Law.

We have attached the sample of the pledge.

We have initiated this campaign already. We request you to get as many 
signatures as possible from disabled  people and their allies and send it to 
the Prime Minister and to the concerned ministry at the earliest.

Thanking you,

With warm regards,
Rajiv Rajan


The disabled people in India demand a new law instead of the proposed 
amendments to the existing Persons with Disabilities (Equal opportunities, 
Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995. 

India has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with 
Disabilities (UNCRPD). 

The convention obligates the ratifying countries to align the existing laws to 
the provisions of the UNCRPD or to bring is new law to protect the rights of 
disabled people. 

The PWD Act 1995 and the proposed amendments to the Act do not reflect 

1.     The voices of the disabled people


2.     The amendments are not in tune with the UNCRPD.


Therefore, the disability sector demands a new law and will not accept 
amendments to the existing Law. 



I ------------------------------------------, pledge in solidarity, in the 

for a New Law. 




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