
When I opened my showroom 1 year back, I required saving and current account. For this I approached to h d f c. bank. But they were not ready to provide me the cheque book and a t m card, as both of them were necessary for me to run the business. The manager told me that as you are unable to read the document you will be treated as illiterate. Then I gave the copy of guide line of r b I, and then they agreed to provide me all the facilities. But they wanted me to sign the undertaking which approximate summary was, I zoher the visually impaired customer hold the sole responsibility of a t m card. And the bank manager has readout the terms and condition in front of the witness in I have made understood the all the terms by my escort. I asked him why to sign this? He replied "there are no charges for a t m card now sign" then I asked my escort to read the terms, then the manager replied this is the reason to make you sign the undertaking, so tomorrow you cannot say that the manager misguided me. I bought his point and agreed to sign. But I drown his attention to the word "the escort has made me understood all the terms". I told him I myself mature enough to understand all this terms I need not be made understand by someone. Then he agreed to correct the claws. And as far as the responsibility of a t m is concerned then not only in our case has every one carried the responsibility of there a t m card. But from that day till today I have been not refused for any facilities. No cheques were rejected on signature bases I have also provided the normal net banking facilities including third party transfers. And the staff of the branch is also cooperative...

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kotian, H P" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] banking and Indemnity.


Firstly, I would like to draw your attention on use of unacceptable words in the subject line. You are hereby warned.
I have therefore modified it.

I can understand such incidents do trigger outburst. However, it is necessary to handle affairs in a dignified manner.

You can ask them to put their requirements in writing. This way, you can build up documentation and there after question their discrimination.

Harish Kotian

-----Original Message-----
From: Dinesh []
Sent: 09 March 2012 22:07
To: access india
Subject: [AI] banking and their Bloody Indemnity.

Hello fokes,

I'd like to share y'all a surprising news. and that is, State Bank of Hyderabad has decided to give me Internet banking without any restrictions.

All of a sudden, I got a phone call telling that "you are provided unrestricted Internet banking. But you have to fill in the indemnity with two witnesses.

before coming to a conclusion, I just thought of asking y'all whether that indemnity has to be submitted for obtaining Internet Banking? Whether we have to give two witnesses in it?

Since I have my doubts, I haven't accepted that yet. So, I await for your suggestions.

With Kind Regards,


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