Dear all,

I came acrossthis very discriminatory recent circular of PNB regarding issue of 
banking facilities to visually impaired. The irony is that it has been issued 
to comply to the RBI guidelines.

The scanned version of the circular is pasted below. Please ignore the typos, 
the text is readable anyway.

I am taking up this case on behalf of NAB Delhi here, but others may also take 
suitable action. 

Particulary note that in the name of non-discrimination the bank head office is 
asking all officers to 

>            ATM/Debit Cards Internet Banking & Mobile Banking services may be 
> provided to visually impaired persons considering the merits of each 
> applicant like education qualification, status etc.

>            Obtain undertaking from the applicant (as per annexure) along with 
> the request form. And the undertaking wants the visually impaired to take all 
> risks. 


What can be more discriminatory! 




To All Offices

Transaction Banking Division HO: 5, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110 001


! in supersession of TBD number i I 08/2009 dated 24.02.2009

Guidelines for issoance of ATM/ ;

Débit Gard, internet Bankmg/Mobile  

Banking services to visually impaired customers.



Reg: Êssuance of ATM/ Débit Gard, Internet Banking/Mobile Banking services to

visuaüy impaired customers.

Guidelines for issuance of ATM/ Débit ca rds te visuaüy irr.paired customers 
were issued vide TBD Circuiar number 08/200S dated 24.02.200S.

RB! has mandated that a!! the banking faciiities shouid be made avaiîabie te 
visuaüy impaired customer with o ut any discrimination. We have beeri receiving 
référencés from the circles for providing Internet banking /'Mobile banking 
faciiities to visuaüy impaired customers. In this connection, the guidelines 
are appended below:

>            ATM/Debit Cards Internet Banking & Mobile Banking services mav be 
> provided te visuaKy impaired persons considering the merits of eaefc 
> appiicant îike educationai qualification, status etc.

>            Obtain undertaking from the appiicant (as per annexure) along with 
> the request form.

>            The facility can be provided in Joint accounts aiso.

>            The spécifié request along with fui! justification shouid be sent 
> to the respective circle offices for approvai.

>            Circie Heads have been empowered to approve such requests.

Ai! concerned are advised to note the above guidelines for strict compliance.

(Hari Kant Rai) General Manager 




The Manager Punjab National Bank

Dear Sir,

Reg: My Saving / Overdraft account no.               . îssuance of

ATM/ Débit Card/internet Banking/Mobile Banking facility

With reference to my application for issuance of ATM/ Débit card /internet 
Banking/Mobile banking in my name, ! déclaré and undertake as under:

lworkas                             and my visual disabiiity creates no hurdle 
in performing of my


! can very well handie the ATM/ Debît Card/ internet Banking/Mobile banking, if 
issued to me. I shall use this facüity, at my own risk and responsibiiity.

? undertake that in case of any unauthor&ad transactions in any manner, the 
Bank wil! not be heid -.îabie or responsible for the same.

Yours faithfully,




The contents of the above undertaTiing has beer, read cverby^rne

to Shri   __(customer)and he has signed

/ affixed thumb impression on this undertaking after understanding its contents 
and that the bank shall not be liable in case of misuse of ATM/ Débit card or 
any other cause or any urtauihorized transaction usïng internet Banking/Mobile 
banking, which is issued to | hfffc^n his request, l, in token of having 
explained the contents as above to the | applicant aiso append my signature to 
this undertaking as witness.               

Witness              . . _        _


Name :




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