Hi Stevie,

"Beck, Stefan" <s.b...@osram.com> writes:

> Hi Derek,
> The requirement roughly is:
> Assume a few light switches as multicasters and many luminaires as listeners
> - turning lights on / off via multicast
> The end-2-end processing (multicaster to encrypt&sign the message, the
> network to transmit the message, and the listeners to validate&decrypt the
> message) should not exceed ~200 ms.
> Stevie

Thanks, that's a good start.  A few follow-on questions:

What's the realistic transmission speed you can expect?  100kbps?
1mbps?  10kbps?

What's the realistic processing power / platform of the switches and
liminaires?  (base processor / clock speed)

I'm asking because I do have access to a lightweight signature scheme
where we can validate a 128-bit-security-level signature on an ARM
Cortex M3 in 5.7ms (@48MHz).

I'll also note that in this scenario encryption is a "nice to have" but
does not seem "necessary", whereas integrity protection and source
authentication is definitely necessary.  I.e., if it's a trade-off
between encryption and authentication/integrity I would choose

Just my $0.02.


       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       de...@ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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