I've posted the minutes here: 

Please review them.

At the meeting, we came to consensus on several items, summarized here:
* support both old and new 'applications' flow
* Add version into protected payload
* For issue 157, decided to return 302
* drop Challenge; if we need OOB Challenge, we can add it back later.
* verify sig_new(M,sig_old(M)) - Richard will be bringing this up to the list, 
*  For 156, keep nonces

Here's the summary of action items:
* Russ to draft a paragraph or couple sentences on replacement key operational 
considerations (Richard will coordinate with Russ)
* Request to the mailing list "hey, if you have a post-v1-WGLC, tell us or this 
may not exist further!"

That last item deserves some more explanation. We expect to enter WG last call 
before IETF-97 in Seoul in November.  If there are items you think we should 
work on after that, please bring them up here once we enter WGLC; which is to 
say around September.  We might need to re-charter, or we might want to just 
stay together to handle errata and IETF last call, or we might want to say say 
we're done and disband.

Senior Architect, Akamai Technologies
IM: richs...@jabber.at Twitter: RichSalz

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