On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 6:16 AM, Martin Thomson <martin.thom...@gmail.com>

> On 6 July 2017 at 20:07, Hugo Landau <hlan...@devever.net> wrote:
> > Vendor-assigned identifiers could be supported as such:
> >   vnd:example.com/custom-method
> RFC 6648 explains why vendor-prefixes can be a bad idea.  I think that
> you should do as Yaron suggested and establish a registry.  Set the
> bar low (specification required would be my choice) and then CABF can
> make a new entry as they see fit.  In particular, do away with
> attaching some sort of semantic to prefixes.
> > 2. Adding a reference to CABF is weird

​CAA already has a tag registry. The bar to entry is deliberately low. If
you really can't use the existing registry, use the existing one as a

But the thing with DNS records is that you have a left hand side (domain
name, record type) and a right hand side (record data) and the DNS protocol
only allows you to select on the left hand side.

If you do a CAA query, you are always going to get back the full set of
records. ​So you are always going to have to look at them all.

CAA tags are text labels with a deliberately generous number of
possibilities. We are not going to run out. Rather than create a
subordinate registry, I would prefix within the label.
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