> On Mar 5, 2018, at 1:13 PM, Matthew D. Hardeman <mharde...@ipifony.com> wrote:
> Especially with CT logging being a pragmatic requirement, time-to-delivery 
> for certificates is likely to increase (slightly) rather than decrease.

Quick point: the alleviation of polling would go for authz status as well as to 
certificate delivery.

A certificate order that has 10 domains needs to poll for the status of all 10 
of those domains’ authorizations as well as the certificate issuance. 
“ACME/bidi” would remove all 11 of those needs to poll.

Thanks for those who have given this suggestion their consideration. I don’t 
mean to “gum up the gears” for the main ACME work, but as I’ve been writing 
ACME clients the polling stuff has stuck out to me like a sore thumb.

It’s worth noting, too, that concerns about overhead may be alleviated if we do 
get a usable WebSocket-over-HTTP/2 implementation. Or, maybe someone will 
expose an SCTP endpoint, or a raw TCP endpoint that implements a simple 
message-boundary layer. I think the question of pure-message, bidirectional 
transport is more relevant than a specific transport implementation.

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