I'm also in favour of calling it DNS-02. I highly doubt there will be many
(if any) versions of challenges beyond version 1. It makes more sense to me
to read DNS-02 and DNS challenge type 2, not a upgraded edition of version

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On Fri, 12 May 2023 at 17:58, Aaron Gable <aaron=
40letsencrypt....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> For what it's worth, I'm in favor of calling it DNS-02. Despite your
> totally correct descriptions of the disadvantages of this new method, I
> *do* still view it as a generally-improved version of DNS-01. It's
> obviously backwards-incompatible, hence the new major version number, but
> it is generally an improvement that creates more flexibility for clients at
> little cost. I also find the name "DNS-ACCOUNT-01" to be slightly
> unfortunate, as no "dns accounts" are involved -- it makes sense once you
> understand the method, but the name gives little to no hint to how the
> method works on its own.
> Aaron
> On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 4:52 PM Antonios Chariton <daknob....@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I’m sending this e-mail to the list to update you all on DNS-ACCOUNT-01
>> and the news we have since the presentation in IETF 116.
>> You can all help by reviewing the text[0], these updates, and sharing
>> your opinion in this thread here!
>> The CA/B Forum 2023-05-04 meeting discussed DNS-ACCOUNT-01 and three
>> things came out of it, as it is evident in the minutes[1]:
>> 1) This method is compatible with the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements
>> that are binding for all WebPKI CAs, specifically section for
>> agreed-upon change to a DNS record. This means that CAs can start using
>> this standard immediately, and there are no other dependencies. The design
>> seemed to be good in its current version. Obviously, quick changes to their
>> CP/CPS may be required, but this is not blocking and unilateral.
>> 2) There is a documented need for various usecases where this challenge
>> would help, from several stakeholders, and evidence that it could be
>> beneficial to the ecosystem and its development. It allows ACME to be used
>> in even more situations where more traditional and non-automatable methods
>> had to be relied upon.
>> 3) There was a suggestion to rename this challenge to DNS-02. This is
>> something that we had rejected back when we created this challenge, however
>> it has been suggested several times, so we are happy to reconsider this. It
>> may be the right choice.
>> There’s no published precedence of what -02 means right now, so it’s
>> unclear whether it is a second option, or a next generation / improved
>> challenge. We never planned to replace DNS-01 with our challenge, we always
>> intended to add more options, and cover more use cases. Here are some
>> technical “disadvantages” of this work vs DNS-01:
>> 1) ACME Clients need to calculate the correct label. Although we provide
>> the algorithm, a bash script, and test vectors, anecdotal data from ISRG
>> suggest that some clients still mess things up (implementing RFC 8555), so
>> this is another value where this may happen. An easy solution here would be
>> to share the expected label with the client, but we decided against this to
>> protect against cross-protocol attacks, and also to protect the client
>> against an ACME server giving it arbitrary DNS records to change. If
>> clients calculate this independently, they don’t need to trust the server.
>> 2) The label is longer, so some very very long domain names may no longer
>> work. Since this is 17 characters longer than DNS-01’s label, anything
>> approaching the various limits (of DNS, etc.) may break. For example, if in
>> DNS-01 you end up with a 236-253 character domain name to check for the TXT
>> record, then DNS-ACCOUNT-01 will go over the limit and won’t work. We don’t
>> consider this to be a major problem. We’re also not aware of many domain
>> names in the 236-253 character range.
>> 3) If an ACME client for whatever reason loses access to the ACME
>> account, this “set and forget” DNS label now has to change. Things would
>> break here with other standards too (if you need an EAB token, you can’t
>> create a new account anyways, if you limit the ACME account via CAA
>> records, you can’t issue, etc.) but DNS-ACCOUNT-01 would just add to the
>> things that would have to be taken into account. We don’t currently
>> consider this a huge issue, but if you think it could be, let us know.
>> As you can see, these 3 tradeoffs above had to be made, to ensure we can
>> cover more use cases. We think these are good tradeoffs for an additional
>> ACME challenge, but perhaps they are not for an “upgraded” one.
>> What do you think about the naming? Do you perceive “DNS-02” as an
>> improved version, or as a second option? We are happy to rename this to
>> DNS-02 and we have no plans of breaking any ACME server or client already
>> using DNS-01 :)
>> Thanks for reading through this, and I am happy to hear your thoughts and
>> get reviews on the draft, so we can move further with this work.
>> Antonios Chariton
>> Independent Contributor ;)
>> - - -
>> Links:
>> [0] :
>> https://archive.cabforum.org/pipermail/validation/2023-May/001892.html
>> [1] : https://daknob.github.io/draft-todo-chariton-dns-account-01/
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