On Thursday 29 March 2012 17:34:02 Marco Martin wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 March 2012, Marco Martin wrote:
> > i still think the best way to still have buttons, have them always visible
> > and taking less space is having them in the titlebar, like the ipad and
> > the n9 do:
> > http://www.silicon.com/i/s4/illo/photos/2010/June/iPad%20test/iPad%20VPN%2
> > 0config%20screengrab.PNG
> btw, if now one uses the branch
> mart/useFullScreenSheet
> the confirm/cancel buttons of both the configure and add resources ui are
> embedded in the titlebar, they seem to look nice.
> as soon as we can break master again i'll merge so people can test it (for
> both speed differences and difference in look)

Could you please post a screenshot so we can "test" the look immediately?
Tank you :)
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