On Wednesday, March 28, 2012 14:06:29 Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> > one further thing i'd like to experiment with is moving the save/close
> > buttons into the title bar. some other mobile OSes do this and it would
> > accomplish two things: better use of screen real estate, make it more
> > obvious to people where these buttons are. people often do not find the
> > buttons at the bottom; i've watched dozens of people go through the UI
> > and this is a recurring issue.
> This brings us back to the issue Fania and me raised before: Do we really
> need ok/cancel buttons in all dialogs? We still think we don't. And

instant apply is really not a possibility here for technical reasons. we can 
get rid of the Close button though by making an outside tap close and cancel 
the dialog.

note that "tap outside" for save borders on "voodoo magic" UI as there is no 
clear communication to the user that "yes, this really is happening". watching 
people use the UI, almost nobody attempts apply-by-outside-tap, and only one 
person so far has tried to use drag-to-apply in the add-to-activity screen 
(another topic for another thread though)

> > p.s. i don't have locking activities working here atm, so i can't see if
> > there is any UI for changing the password, or if the password is asked
> > for every time a private activity is saved ... in any case, i'm more
> > concerned at the moment about the default UI.
> Currently there is no way to change the password except for switching
> private off and on again and it does not ask the password every time it is
> saved.

ok, so this could use some improvement. i do have some ideas there, but we can 
discuss this later.

Aaron J. Seigo

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