Hello folks,

I've just discovered this project so please bear with me if I ask questions to which the answers are already out there.

I've just been trying to install KDE Active on a Motorola Xoom, which is a Tegra 2 device. The basyskom install scripts don't seem to work, but I was able to flash the boot image and install the filesystem on an SD card as per the directions. When I booted nothing happened. :( Literally, no messages, nothing.

But I have been able to install Debian and KDE/netbook using this information: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1192639

So my questions are:

1. Can anyone suggest how to figure out what's going wrong with basyskom's images?

2. What is involved in building plasma active from sources? Could it be installed as a Debian package? How much tweaking has gone into the kernel? Etc.

Many thanks,
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