On Saturday 28 April 2012, Lamarque V. Souza wrote:
> Em Saturday 28 April 2012, Jonathan Schultz escreveu:
> > Hello folks,
>       Hi,
> > I've just discovered this project so please bear with me if I ask
> > questions to which the answers are already out there.
> > 
> > I've just been trying to install KDE Active on a Motorola Xoom, which is
> > a Tegra 2 device. The basyskom install scripts don't seem to work, but I
> > was able to flash the boot image and install the filesystem on an SD
> > card as per the directions. When I booted nothing happened. :(
> > Literally, no messages, nothing.
>       Sometimes on first boot the screeh becomes black for several minutes
> while nepomuk is indexing the file system. If there is disk activity you
> should wait (up to 7 minutes) and see if the desktop appears.

this happens when the date of the shared desktop ontologies files are more 
recent than the nepomuk database dump (or if there isn't a db preloaded at 

Marco Martin
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