Am Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013, 13:56:58 schrieb Maurice de la Ferté:
> On 17.02.2013 02:02, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> > Am Samstag, 16. Februar 2013, 04:38:09 schrieb Maurice de la Ferté:
> >> On 16.02.2013 03:21, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> >>> 2. How is review done for spec/yaml changes?
> >> 
> >> Best practice is
> >> - 'osc branch Project:KDE:Devel calligra'
> >> - checkout local copy of branched package
> >> - making changes
> >> - building local
> >> - pushing changes
> >> - building remote
> >> - reviewing rpmlint messages in logs
> >> - adding branching repos to test machine
> >> - installing branching packages on test machine
> >> - 'osc submitrequest <branched project> calligra Project:KDE:Devel'
> >> - asking for review on #active
> > 
> > First trivial request is up, seems it works all for me :)
> Request is applied :)


Okay, now that this is established I can get to serious changes :)

Nothing in the pipe yet, but already thinking about how to best fix the 
incomplete registering for all supported mimetypes within the Calligra build 
system. Too late for 2.6.1, but than packagers can always still patch the 
released stuff ;)

Next questions:
Can I reuse that branch I created somehow?
How do I ideally merge the changes from the official calligra package?
Any request is just a diff between the branch to the official package, or?

> >>> 3. Is there a way to run the PA shell from inside the Mer SDK and test
> >>> the
> >>> locally created packages, with Xephyr or similar
> >> 
> >> I never tried to install PA into Mer SDK so I don't know, but I fear it
> >> does not work.
> > 
> > Too bad :/ Especially as the ExoPC dies for me every few times, incl.
> > broken rpm database now and then. Sucks :(
> > (yes, happened also before I started to mess with packaging ;) )
> > 
> > Is that common behaviour? Or is my ExoPC broken?
> Ouch, for me it sounds like a broken device too. I'm using the following
> images
> installed in VirtualBox and never faced a broken rpm database, it makes a
> robust impression to me:
> vel/weekly/
> Therefor I followed the description on following URL with enable the
> mous cursor:
> Also I changed the /usr/share/kde4/config/kwinactiverc from 'Backend=OpenGL'
> to 'Backend=XRender' to make compositing working again. I used 'vim' from
> 'konsole'
> for editing. Please note, do not click into the black window area
> otherwise you will
> get the virtual keyboard which will stuck till reboot by broken compositing.

Okay, thanks for the tip, possibly will have to change to that then if that 
problem does not stop to happen.

> If you are wondering why the desktop icons for calligra are missing,
> they are
> blacklisted inside /usr/share/kde4/config/active-blacklistrc and get
> visible after
> removing 'sheets,words,stage,calligramobile' from it (maybe restart is
> needed).
> I don't know why they are blacklisted, because sheets, words and stage makes
> a very useful impression to me. The calligramobile looks a bit broken
> because
> I'm not able to open any document by choosing with it.

>From what I understood from the recent discussion that is by purpose, i.e. by 
design of Plasma Active. CalligraActive should only be invoked as handler on 
given files, not offer a filedialog to select a file itself. The full desktop 
programs Sheets, Stage & Words should not be launched or even available on 

But that is out of my playing field, topic for the PlasmaActive UX designers 
and Shantanu :) I just care for proper packaging.

Which means one of the next steps would be also extending the build system to 
be able to just build the Sheets, Stage & Words parts that are used by 
CalligraActive, but not also the desktop program shells. At least so far I 
understood that was matching the Active idea.

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