Hi Maurice,

Am Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013, 16:23:15 schrieb Maurice de la Ferté:
> On 17.02.2013 14:43, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> > Am Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013, 13:56:58 schrieb Maurice de la Ferté:
> >> On 17.02.2013 02:02, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> >>> Am Samstag, 16. Februar 2013, 04:38:09 schrieb Maurice de la Ferté:
> >>>> On 16.02.2013 03:21, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> >>>>> 2. How is review done for spec/yaml changes?
> >>>> 
> >>>> Best practice is
> >>>> - 'osc branch Project:KDE:Devel calligra'
> >>>> - checkout local copy of branched package
> >>>> - making changes
> >>>> - building local
> >>>> - pushing changes
> >>>> - building remote
> >>>> - reviewing rpmlint messages in logs
> >>>> - adding branching repos to test machine
> >>>> - installing branching packages on test machine
> >>>> - 'osc submitrequest <branched project> calligra Project:KDE:Devel'
> >>>> - asking for review on #active
> >>> 
> >>> First trivial request is up, seems it works all for me :)
> >> 
> >> Request is applied :)
> > 
> > \o/
> > 
> > Okay, now that this is established I can get to serious changes :)
> > 
> > Nothing in the pipe yet, but already thinking about how to best fix the
> > incomplete registering for all supported mimetypes within the Calligra
> > build system. Too late for 2.6.1, but than packagers can always still
> > patch the released stuff ;)
> > 
> > Next questions:
> > Can I reuse that branch I created somehow?
> > How do I ideally merge the changes from the official calligra package?
> > Any request is just a diff between the branch to the official package, or?
> Yes you can reuse this branched project so long you are not deleting
> it. By sending submit requests via Web-Frontend you will see a checkbox
> about something like 'deleting after merge', which is enabled by default.
> This behaviour is disabled by using 'osc submitrequest' via command
> line.

Seems it was not disabled for me. Or I did something else which I cannot 
remember :)

> A easy way to keep in sync with original package is following setup:
> 1. Branch a random package from the original project.
>      By this you will get the repository setup and build dependencies
>      from the original project.
>      e.g. osc branch Project:KDE:Devel/cmake
> 2. Open project home:<user>:Project:KDE:Devel via Web-Frontend
>      and enable repository publishing.
>      Repositories --> Publish Flag --> All --> Explicity enable
>      By this you are able to install the packages directly on your test
> machine
> 3. Open project home:<user>:Project:KDE:Devel via Web-Frontend
>      and branch the package you like to modify/maintain.
>      Packages --> Branch package from other project -->
>      Name of original project: Project:KDE:Devel
>      Name of package in original project: calligra
>      Name of branched package in target project:
> ********[ ] Stay on current revision, don't merge future upstream
> changes automatically
> 4. Open project home:<user>:Project:KDE:Devel via Web-Frontend
>      and delete random package again.
>      Packages --> cmake --> Delete package
> By this setup you have all changes from original package plus the
> changes you are
> working on. Please note, by this merge conflicts can happen you have to
> solve on
> your own.


Currently preparing the 2.6.1 update as merge request, with some additional 
patches that enable the import filters for more formats, like docx, pptx, 
xslx, ...

(because other than promoted on plasma-active.org Calligra Active so far 
refused to load docx and xlsx, due to hardcoded mimetype checks. oh promoters, 
please check what you claim!)

waiting for the build to finish, then will test on the device. Expect a merge 
request tonight or later this WE :)

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