I would linke Tod hell Festung, if so eine (maybe Ruediger?) would provide
an image for the nexus 7 device.

So long

Am 20.05.2013 21:46 schrieb "Marco Martin" <notm...@gmail.com>:
> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 9:20 PM, Hillel Lubman <shtetl...@gmail.com>
>> May be Plasma Active can set up a donations page so anyone interested
would help key developers to be equipped with important devices (like key
x86 and ARM ones). This can even out the effort since right now, ARM feels
like a lower priority and bugs there are discovered slower.
> The problem is not really that, I don't think more devices to current
developers could help much.
> To scale in a manageable fashion, more devices is completely secondary to
have more people involved and willing to maintain adaptations.
> Cheers,
> Maco Martin
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