On 22.05.2013 00:59, Paul S wrote:
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Michael Bohlender
<michael.bohlen...@kdemail.net <mailto:michael.bohlen...@kdemail.net>>

        I'm trying this as a live disk on my lenovo s10-3t and notice
        that the about screen says it's version 3 still, instead of
        version 4.

I didn't realize how crippled meego is for something like my netbook.
Even though I loaded my wireless module bcrmsmac and got no errors in
dmesg, I can't find a way to create the wlan0 device. So no wifi here.
Also, I notice it takes 8 to 9 minutes to get it to wake up from sleep.
I've done this 3 times, so it's not a fluke .. Also, I tried installing
firfox from mozilla.org <http://mozilla.org>, and can't get it to run.
Why would anyone with X86 hardware want to run this crippled meego? I
think you should stop producing it.

On the other hand, I tried kububu-active sausy iso from yesterday and it
won't give me a usable screen. It boots to a screen that's divided into
3 or 6 of the same image in each third or 6th of the screen.

It's too bad you can't use the mer from your meego distro with kubuntu.

The mer part seems pretty useful and stable. I didn't have any crashes
yet and the touchscreen is working fine. These are the parts that never
work on kubuntu.

It seems like you are confusing MeeGo and Mer. Mer is a community continuation of MeeGo. Our images do not use MeeGo, it's just Mer, with Plasma Active on top and the Nemo Mobile integration parts (e.g. the kernel) below.

Plasma Active on Mer works pretty well on WeTab/ExpPC devices now, I'd say way better than on Kubuntu or openSUSE, because it's optimized for mobile devices.

The problem is: Things hardly ever work well out of the box on tablets. There always has to be someone who irons out the quirks of each device until a system runs smoothly on it. This is a whole lot of work to do. For WeTab/ExoPC, that someone has been Maurice de la Ferte and is now Marco Martin. For Nexus 7, that someone is Ruediger Gad. Maurice and Marco have already spent a lot of time on getting Mer to run well on WeTab/ExoPC, that's why it works pretty well now. Ruediger started working on the port to Nexus 7 much later, that's why there are still more problems there.

For the lenovo s10-3t, nobody did that work yet, so it's to be expected that many things don't work yet. In fact, I'm very surprised that it boots into PA at all!
Welcome to the mobile world! Sadly, this is how things roll here.
Even communities or companies building an operating system for one specific device struggle in the beginning (remember OpenMoko? They worked on that for years and it still had lots of problems!). And I am very certain that it costs even the engineers at Samsung quite a few grey hairs until they get Android to run smoothly on a completely new device.

So don't blame the Mer community. You have a few options to solve your problem: - Invest the time (probably quite a few days or maybe even weeks) necessary to get Mer (or Kubuntu Active or whatever distro that offers PA packagaes) to work well with your device
- Get someone else to do it (you'll need quite a good incentive for that)
- Wait for the Vivaldi. If you read Aaron's blog, you know how much time was already put into getting Plasma Active on Mer to work on that device (which is not Mer's fault!) and afaik it's still not finished, but when it's out, you'll know it will work well.
- Get a WeTab/ExoPC
- Wait until the Nexus 7 images work well (there are quite a few PA users with Nexus 7 devices already, so chances are more people will step up to help Ruediger in the near future) and then get one of those

Complaining is the one thing that won't help you.

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