On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 7:51 AM, Thomas Pfeiffer <colo...@autistici.org>wrote:

> - Wait for the Vivaldi. If you read Aaron's blog, you know how much time
> was already put into getting Plasma Active on Mer to work on that device
> (which is not Mer's fault!) and afaik it's still not finished, but when
> it's out, you'll know it will work well.

In one of the videos about Vivaldi Aaron mentioned that it'll be using
libhybris, which was a bit of a surprise, since Vivaldi was expected to be
crafted specifically for PA and to use the best available options. Does it
mean that it won't have native X11/Wayland drivers? Were there problems
with obtaining them? It's supposed to be Mali-400 as far as I know.


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