I know we had this discussion on this list before.  I am not sure of the
results.  Here are my "real world" numbers

I ran the script below on my domain for the Domain Users Group and got the

There are 23954 users in that group.

Since this is a built in group, I ran it on a manually created group and got
the following:

There are 15315 users in that group.

So my question is:  If there is a 5,000 user limit, then why can I have
15,000+ users in a group.  These groups are not nested groups.

Any Thoughts?

Script Below:

Option Explicit
Dim sGroup, sDomain, oGroup
Dim oMember
Dim x


sDomain = "Your Domain here"
sGroup = InputBox ("Enter Group Name:"," Enter Group Name ")
  if sGroup = "" then
        wscript.echo  "You did not enter a Group Name!"
  end if

Set oGroup = GetObject("WinNT://" & sDomain & "/" & sGroup & ",group")

For Each oMember in oGroup.Members
wscript.Echo "There are " &x&" users in that group."

-----Original Message-----
From: Hutchins, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 2:05 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] which W2K groups does the 5000 limit apply to? 

All Groups in Ad are bound by this limitation. It only includes direct

-----Original Message-----
From: Thommes, Michael M. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 12:39 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] which W2K groups does the 5000 limit apply to? 

I have seen two references (.NET Magazine, Dec 2002, p19; Technet, Nov 2002,
"Planning Your Commerce Server Installation") that indicate that Windows
2000 groups have a limit of 5000 users.  Can anyone tell me what groups this
limit is applied to?  Is it just those groups created by an administrator or
does it apply also to default groups (e.g., Domain Users).  Seems to me if
it included groups like "Domain Users", Windows 2000 could not be called
very scalable.  Any insight is appreciated! TIA.

Mike Thommes
Systems Administrator
Argonne National Laboratory
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