>>It will get that password back immediately unless the PDC is really busy or
otherwise unavailable
The way I'm reading this is that you are saying password change will trigger
immediate replication to the PDCE. Iin my experience (which I don't have to
describe to you :)), this is not the case. Also, I may be misreading you
here, because, further now, you said:
>>What SHOULD happen is that the local DC should realize, hey this password
isn't correct and will do what is called a PDC Chaining to ask the PDC what
if the password specified is in fact ok [3]
This is the way it works, I agree here.
Now, you also said:
>>Assuming the PDC is available to that site, you should be able to change a
password anywhere on any DC and that password will get back to the DC.
This, too, is correct.
However the problem is the time it takes for the password change to get back
to the PDCE and then onward to the rest of the DC. Where neither the HelpDesk
(wo reset the password) no the User (whose password was reset) is in the site
where the PDCE is located, the length of time it takes for the password
change to travel across the wire is usually unacceptble. This is the reason
one wuld want to reset the password at a DC local to the User. This is also
one of the reasonss for ALToos, especially the AcctInfo.dll part.
Theoretically, there should be no need for these tools, but in reality,
chaining did not work as designed. One DC would lock out a user's account,
after the user's password had been reset on another DC, before the locking
out DC learns about the reset.
Lastly, I have come across canned recommendations from "security consultants"
telling clients to enable AvoidPDConWAN registry key. I am sure some
companies would have heeded that recommendation.

Dèjì Akómöláfé, MCSE MCSA MCP+I
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
www.readymaids.com - we know IT
Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about
Yesterday?  -anon


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of joe
Sent: Wed 4/28/2004 4:47 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Replication issues

1. What do you think your replication latency is supposed to be based upon
your knowledge of your topology and your link configurations? This isn't
something you have to guess at. Look at your DC placement and your
replication topology and it will tell you the exact theoretical max
replication period you have. 
2. What do you want it to be?
30-60 minutes would be a time frame for replication that means you changed
the default link settings. The default it 180 minutes per link (hop). This
can be reduced to as low as 15 minutes without change notification and if you
enable change notification it can go down to seconds (based on how busy the
bridge heads between the sites are). As a rule, people don't generally set up
change notification across a WAN [1]. 30-60 minutes could mean that you have
2-4 hops to get to the site with 15 minute delays or it could be you have 1-2
hops with 30 minute delays or it could be 1-2 hops with 15 minute delays with
lots of DCs in each site and it taking 15 minutes to get to the proper
outgoing bridgehead for each site. Lots of valid reasons for the timing, you
need to understand what your theretical maxes could be and then decide if you
are outside of that. If outside of that the first thing I would do is look at
my DRA Pending Queue on my servers in the replication path to make sure it
was zeroing out every replication period. [2] 
One thing I saw below I wanted to speak about... The out of band password
force back to the PDC has been in W2K since RTM at least. It will get that
password back immediately unless the PDC is really busy or otherwise
unavailable (down, net down, PacMan on the ethernet line eating all of the
packets, etc). 
Now after all of this I will say you should NOT have to worry about changing
passwords at the specific site. Assuming the PDC is available to that site,
you should be able to change a password anywhere on any DC and that password
will get back to the DC. Then the client should be able to log on ANYWHERE.
What SHOULD happen is that the local DC should realize, hey this password
isn't correct and will do what is called a PDC Chaining to ask the PDC what
if the password specified is in fact ok [3]. Assuming the password is ok, the
PDC will say, that is fine and let the user log on. This functionality has
been in Windows all the way back in NT. Without it, life in large companies
would be miserable. 
Now there has been change in the functionality since 2K RTM to fix what I
consider a design flaw / bug in this process. I can't recall when that
exactly went in for 2K (SP3?) but was in K3 RC1; I have written previously
about this fix on this list. Basically the issue was if the user needed to
change the password on the next logon and the PDC chaining event occurred,
the logon would succeed and client would be told to display the change
password dialogue. The user would respond and use the "old password" of the
password they just used to logon. Since that password wasn't yet at the local
DC that was handling this change password request the local DC would say that
the old password was incorrect and reject the change. I have already
speculated in previous posts to this list about what was happening. Basically
it was fixed by sending back key information to the remote DC during a PDC
Chaining operation that brought that DC up to date for some critical
authentication information so that it did indeed have the latest password
information for that user. 
So all of that to say, that unless you have horrendous network connectivity,
you should not have to set passwords on specific DCs if you are up to the
current patch levels of Windows 2000 or on Windows 2003 for your domain
[1] There are exceptions here so I am not looking for people to email say, we
are and here'e why... There are a couple of special cases where I do it as
well - to keep exchange in a good mood. The exceptions make the rule and show
the beauty of the flexibility of the system.
[2] Keep in mind there was a bug in a hotfix or two between SP2-3 that caused
this queue to not have good values. It would increment sometimes and exit
without remembering to decrement. Very unusual as it will look almost like
you queue isn't clearing. In this case, you can pull out repadmin /queue or
my adqueueloop to look at the actual queue and verify what it is doing. This
is fixed in SP4 and actually one of the 4 new hotfixes that just came out
also corrects it (obviously the bin with that code was replaced in one of the
fixes and it has all of the previous fixes in it as well). So if you are at
the minimum you should be for these last three crits, your counters should be
working ok. 
[3] The DCs realize that they may not have the latest password and go ask the
"master" for verification. This is one of the "big" functions of the PDC,
being "master" of the passwords. It may not have the current right password,
but it is final arbiter on whether or not a certain password can be used if
another DC isn't sure. 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Coleman, Hunter
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:46 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Replication issues

It's strictly a judgment call. You decide how important it is to have
password changes replicate *now* and then weigh that against the costs of
having very low replication latency. Costs might include available bandwidth,
other applications using the same network, etc...
In general, I'd stay away from letting this be the driving factor in
determining your replication schedule. Change the password in the user's
site, and 99% of the time the user should be fine within 15 minutes (default
intrasite maximum replication period if you have 5 or more DCs in the site)
or less.


From: Rimmerman, Russ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:40 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Replication issues

What does changing the replication schedules explicitly for password resets
entail, and is it recommended?


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Coleman, Hunter
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:25 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Replication issues

Unless you want to start changing your replication schedules explicitly for
password resets, you're doing the right thing. Change the password on a DC in
the user's site. If you're at SP4 (I think, could have been SP3) then the
password change will also get sent on to the PDC emulator immediately.
Anytime a user enters an incorrect password, the local DC will pass on the
request to the PDCE in case the password had changed on a different DC.
The Account Lockout Status tool is probably the best utility for checking on
password replication. Among other things, it will show the timestamp for
password last set on each domain controller, so you can have a good idea of
the replication state on the change.
189-99515b0e90f7&DisplayLang=en (watch for URL wrap)


From: Rimmerman, Russ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:07 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Replication issues

We have always been having weird issues with replication.  We have about 30
AD sites all over the world.  When we change or reset a password here for a
user at a remote site, it takes quite a long time (30-60 minutes or more) to
replicate to the users site.  So, we are having to connect to their local
domain contoller and reset the password there.  What is the best practice for
setting up and tuning replication and resetting passwords, and what tools are
recommended (replmon?) for "testing" it, and how long should it take?
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