Correct. This sample validates a string against a set of predefined
requirements. Any problem with that?..


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:ActiveDir-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al Mulnick
> Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 7:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] password changer
> Al, just so I understand you're not querying for the password complexity
> in this script, but rather just making the script check what you already
> know the password complexity to be.  Correct?
> Al
> On 12/17/05, Alexander Suhovey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > If anyone knows how to query a password against complexity
> requirements,
> > > I'd like to know how.
> >
> > When it comes to string validation the answer is almost always "Regular
> > Expressions". The vbscript example below tests arbitrary string for
> > compliance with "Password must meet security requirements" policy in
> > Windows. (watch for line wraps)
> >
> > ==8<===============
> >
> > Option Explicit
> > Dim arrReq1(0),arrReq2(3),iReq,sErr,sArg,iNum,i
> >
> > 'Mandatory Requirement
> > '=====================
> > arrReq1(0) = ".{8,128}"          ' length is 8 to 128 chars
> >
> > 'Group Requirements
> > '==================
> > iReq = 3                         ' Must meet this number
> >                                 ' of requirements below
> > arrReq2(0) = "(?=.*[a-z])"       ' contains lower letter
> > arrReq2(1) = "(?=.*[A-Z])"       ' contains upper letter
> > arrReq2(2) = "(?=.*\d)"          ' contains digit
> > arrReq2(3) = "(?=.*[^a-zA-Z\d])" ' contains non-alphanumeric
> >
> > sErr = "Password does not meet security requirements"
> > iNum = 0
> >
> > 'String being tested against req's
> > '=================================
> > 'sArg = "passwor"
> > 'sArg = "password"
> > 'sArg = "Password"
> > 'sArg = "P4ssword"
> > sArg = "P4s$word"
> >
> > If not ArgVrf(sArg,arrReq1(0)) Then
> >        WScript.Echo sErr
> >        WScript.Quit 1
> > End If
> > For i = LBound(arrReq2) to UBound(arrReq2)
> >        If ArgVrf(sArg,arrReq2(i)) Then iNum = iNum+1
> > Next
> > If iNum<iReq Then
> >        WScript.Echo sErr
> >        WScript.Quit 1
> > End If
> > WScript.Echo "Test passed"
> >
> > Function ArgVrf(arg,pattern)
> >    Dim objRegExp
> >    Set objRegExp = New RegExp
> >    objRegExp.IgnoreCase = false
> >    objRegExp.Pattern = pattern
> >    ArgVrf = objRegExp.Test(arg)
> >    Set objRegExp = Nothing
> > End Function
> >
> > ==8<===============
> >
> >
> > --
> > Al
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > List info   :
> > List FAQ    :
> > List archive: http://www.mail-
> >

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