Why not just keep them from doing it in the first place or set a policy to end their disconnected session after x minutes?  That way the others will be able to logon after the disconnected session is terminated in x minutes.  If you are running 2003 there are a few policy options that you can try
Remove disconnect item from shutdown dialog
Set time limit for disconnected sessions
294751 Terminal Services Group Policy Objects
If you are running 2000 you can configure the RDP session settings to end a disconnected session after x minutes.  That can be configured in the TS configuration mmc.
Tim Hines  
----- Original Message -----
To: Active
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 1:32 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] OT: disconnecting remote TS session on DC

I have an issue whereby I have 3 dual role File & Print Servers/DC's remaining in my org (cut down from 50+) where I can't separate these roles for another 6 months.
My issue is that I have Server Ops staff who connect through to these F&P DC's via Remote Desktop. They only have Server Operator privileges. I appreciate everyone's views about giving them access to the DC however, this is business rules and as we're working towards phasing this configuration out anyway, I can live with it.
The problem I have are that this team disconnect themselves rather than log off. So if there are 2 concurrent disconnected sessions, no-one else can logon.
With their Server Operator privileges, they aren't able to disconnect/log off/reset a terminal services session, they get an error. Does anyone know how I can delegate this permision to them?

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