Inline is my take on an IM conv. Brett and I just had, the result and
content of which turned up some interesting (to me at least) implementation
details.  The short story is -

* DNTs (to me) are _not_ a component of the directory
        - they _are_ a component of the layer that bridges the two (dblayer)
        - to Brett, I believe he sees them within the sum of "what is the
* DNTs (to both Brett and I) are not part of ESE
* DNTs are limited (as Eric says) to 2^31 (~2.1 billion rows)
* DNTs are not reusable

I hope the summary and conversational text inline proves useful.

Dean Wells


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brett Shirley
> Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 5:11 PM
> To:
> Cc: Send - AD mailing list
> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] User Accounts
> Dean, I didn't understand this comment ...
>  > But, dude, seriously, you weren't aware that AD's ESE used 
> a 32 bit DNT?
>  > Methinks perhaps you're muddling in the realms of personal 
> interpretation  > ... though I'm quite certain you'll argue 
> that too ... ESE purist :0p
> Are you claiming that ESE knows what a DNT is?

Not at all ... but IMO, neither does the directory ... and per our IM, the
dblayer knows what they are (after all, DNT = distinguished name tag ...
blatantly not an ESE term ... and dblayer = database layer ... not a
directory term ... hmmm)

> A DNT is an entirely AD concept, ESE has no idea what a DNT 
> is.


> ESE also has no concept of linked-values, or the 
> link_table.

Now this was news to me, so here's the summary: ESE has tables + columns +
indices over columns.  The dblayer forms the bridge between two
technologies, one molding the behavior of the other (dblayer molds ESE).
ESE maintains no referential integrity, the dblayer does this ... including
link-pairs <-- this part was especially surprising to me.

> This is the 2nd time you've confused the AD 
> dblayer (what maintains the AD schema on an ESE
> database) and the ESE database layer.  

Don't know that I'd agree with that since on neither occasion was the
dblayer specifically referenced .. but it's moot for the moment since I'm
still mulling over whether my new-found knowledge pertaining to link-pairs
influences my opinion on where DNTs lie; directory or database.

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