The webpage and this list are different forums. The spirit of the list has
always been to refrain from using it as a forum for naked advertisement. Free
or not, what Robert did was a blatant misuse of the list service - IMO. He
was not responding to a question that requires him plugging his freeware.
Unless Tony had changed the rules without informing the list members, we have
always frowned upon this type of sneak attack.
The reason I asked whether or not Tony approved it is because that has
usually been the proper way to get private, unsolicited announcements onto
the list. I don't want to believe that the mere fact that SpecOps advertises
on the website grants them a "pass" to extend their reach into my inbox. If
Tony approved it, fine. If not, it is an abusive use of a forum because it
was unsolicited and unrelated to any ongoing technical subject matter. The
fact that it's FREE is irrelevant because, come to think of it, Trojan horses
are free too, and that doesn't make them palatable. SpecOps makes commercial
products. Their ultimate goal is to drive traffic up to their sites with
"FREE" offers in the hope of getting you to bite the more tantalizing apples.
Many of us would love to be able to do so as well, but we are respecting the
technical quality of this list and refusing to dilute the sound discussions
with specious "FREE" offers.

  (, /  |  /)               /)     /)   
    /---| (/_  ______   ___// _   //  _ 
 ) /    |_/(__(_) // (_(_)(/_(_(_/(__(/_
(_/                             /)      
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services <>  - we know IT <> 
Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about
Yesterday? -anon


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of
Sent: Mon 4/24/2006 12:25 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] [ABUSE] - WAS: Perform gpupdate, start or shut downs
through ADUC

I doubt Tony has an issue with this, since he already has an advert for
SpecOps on the activeDir home page :)

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: 23 April 2006 19:25
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] [ABUSE] - WAS: Perform gpupdate, start or shut
downs through ADUC

Yeah Tony is usually pretty ok with people posting about free tools.  I
expect if it got out of hand though he would start smacking me, I mean
the people who post about them.

I would never send an initial post that was advertising one of my tools
that you have to pay for; however I wouldn't have an issue listing it in
direct response to a problem someone is having.

O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition -

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of steve patrick
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] [ABUSE] - WAS: Perform gpupdate, start or shut
downs through ADUC

Seems fair enough to me, its a free tool right?
----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 11:43 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] [ABUSE] - WAS: Perform gpupdate, start or shut
downs through ADUC


When did you relax the rules? I have things I'd like to pitch, too. Is
it a free-for-all now?

  (, /  |  /)               /)     /)
    /---| (/_  ______   ___// _   //  _
 ) /    |_/(__(_) // (_(_)(/_(_(_/(__(/_
(_/                             /)
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services <>  - we know IT <> Do you now realize that
Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about Yesterday? -anon


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Robert Lundh
Sent: Fri 4/21/2006 8:09 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Perform gpupdate, start or shut downs through

Great feedback Neil.

I will forward your ideas/feedback/questions to the Product Manager of
Specops Gpupdate asap and try to answer you later today or early next

And yes, we have had many folks requesting this kind of tool.

Have a good weekend,
Robert Lundh
Special Operations Software

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 4:58 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Perform gpupdate, start or shut downs through

Immediate questions / comments come to mind:

1. Does each and every admin need to install the software? I would hope
not, but can't be sure from the docs.
2. Re-word context menu 'gpupdate' to 'Refresh GPOs' [much more
:) ] 3. I'm uncomfortable at the thought of offering re-start and
shutdown command via ADU&C :) I'd rather those operations were a little
more 'hidden'
and thus less likely to be invoked accidentally.
4. I'd like to see the changes made in AD (as a result of the
installation) documented in *detail* before I even looked at this in a
The doc alludes to those changes but more detail is needed IMHO.

Personally, I can think of several other additions that could / should
be made to context menus, that I'd like to see before 'restart' and
- Unlock user
- Unlock all users in OU
- Show user data (last logon, last bad logon etc)

Did customers ask for a bulk gp updating tool?

My (candid) 2 penneth,

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert Lundh
Sent: 21 April 2006 15:39
Subject: [ActiveDir] Perform gpupdate, start or shut downs through ADUC

Dear listmembers,

Today we have released a free tool that gives you the power to perform
gpupdate, start ups or shut downs of computers through Active Directory
Users and Computers. We would love if you tried the tool called Specops
Gpupdate and came with feedback to us on how to further improve it. We
have developed this tool to make your job as an admin as easy as

Here is the link to the product page where you can download the tool:

Best Regards,
Robert Lundh
Special Operations Software
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