Hello BEN,

Just for info, i already had some trouble after doing a P2V of one DC.

When i tried to install Exchange on it, domainprep was freezing, trying to contact the other DC which i didn't P2V's.

Zeising the role was enough, i needed to remove it from AD.



Thursday, July 6, 2006, 10:12:58 PM, you wrote:


Hello Mathieu,

Yes, we run a fairly simple domain setup.  Single domain, single forest.

We are running in Windows 2000 native mode for domain and forest.  Exchange 2003 is also in native mode.

And nice catch on SMS, I deployed it myself and should’ve remembered to mention that.  We do have SMS 2003 in our environment with the schema extended of course.



From: Mathieu CHATEAU [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 11:21 AM


Cc: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org

Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Forestprep Failure


Hello BEN,



are you in Windows 2000 native mode ? the forest too ? exchange native mode ?


Do you have SMS ? it extends the schema as well.






Thursday, July 6, 2006, 7:43:21 PM, you wrote:



I am working to perform a domain upgrade from 2000 to 2003 R2 and I am running into problems right from the start when attempting an ADPREP /FORESTPREP.  The domain also has Exchange 2003 running as well.  Also, we have never extended the schema with Services for Unix 2.0 which I know can create some issues as well.


I am currently working in a test environment in which we took a recent full tape backup of one of our domain controllers, and restored it in a separate network.  As this is a test environment, this restored domain controller is the ONLY domain controller in existence and all FSMO roles have been transferred to it.


Here is the output from my ADPREP /FORESTPREP attempt.  I’m looking for assistance on how to fix these schema attributes so the FORESTPREP will be successful.  As I’m working in a test environment, I am afforded the ability to make the necessary changes and see what it breaks to determine what made these schema changes (if anything).


C:\WIN2K3R2\CMPNENTS\R2\ADPREP>adprep /forestprep




Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 domain controllers in the forest should

be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 (SP1) with QFE 265089, or to Windows

2000 SP2 (or later).


QFE 265089 (included in Windows 2000 SP2 and later) is required to prevent poten

tial domain controller corruption.


For more information about preparing your forest and domain see KB article Q3311

61 at http://support.microsoft.com.


[User Action]

If ALL your existing Windows 2000 domain controllers meet this requirement, type

 C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENT

ER to quit.





"attributeSyntax" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and

 extended schema do not match.


A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "" for obj

ect "CN=uid,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=appsig,DC=com" differently than the sc

hema extension needed for Windows 2003 server .


Adprep cannot extend your existing schema

[User Action]

Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to res

olve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again.



"attributeId" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and ext

ended schema do not match.


A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "1.2.840.113556.1

.4.7000.233.28688.28684.8.192196.1165976.1266044.855334" for object "CN=roomNumb

er,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=appsig,DC=com" differently than the schema exte

nsion needed for Windows 2003 server .


Adprep cannot extend your existing schema

[User Action]

Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to res

olve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again.



"isSingleValued" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and

extended schema do not match.


A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "TRUE" for object

 "CN=roomNumber,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=appsig,DC=com" differently than th

e schema extension needed for Windows 2003 server .


Adprep cannot extend your existing schema

[User Action]

Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to res

olve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again.






Best regards,

 Mathieu                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Best regards,

 Mathieu                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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