If you (or whatever sales guy) want to put YOUR OWN account at risk by
using an insecure password, and not changing it periodically; go ahead.
If you want to put MY money (or the owners of the company's) at risk for
the convenience of a clueless sales guy, I'm taking my money & business
elsewhere. How much is the convenience of not changing his password
worth to him? At the very least, I would document very thoroughly my
objections, including having him explicitly sign off on the plan, before
implementing something like that.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ramon Linan
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:30 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org

Let's put it this way, sales department make money , IT department
spends it :( :( :( 

That's their point of view anyway...and I still don't have a good answer
to why Citibank don't force you to change your password, and they offer
web based ...?

Thanks for your email

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Bradley,
CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 12:10 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org

I have been involved in externally facing Microsoft sponsored
extranet/Sharepoint sites.

The password gets changed.

We have a GUI web portal and we are forced to change the password. 

Sales people set your security policy these days?

Ramon Linan wrote:
> HI,
> I have a SharePoint site for a client, it is driving me crazy because 
> the sales people are telling me that the users for this site, cant 
> have their password expiring. The client is a government agency, so I 
> don't want to be responsible for any information being stolen.
> How big of a security risk is not having password expiring? it seems 
> to me like security 101, but the sales guy is saying that banks don't 
> ask you to change your password every X day, good point.
> Something I was thinking is having SharePoint authenticating with 
> their LDAP server, is this possible to do? can anybody point to a url 
> on how to do this?
> thanks
> Rezuma

Letting your vendors set your risk analysis these days?  

If you are a SBSer and you don't subscribe to the SBS Blog... man ... I
will hunt you down...

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