Faculty are unionized and have a grievance process documented in their
contract on Page 27:

The clerical staff are unionized and have a grievance process documented in
their contract on Page 8:

Our AP group consists of At Will and Just Cause employees.  At Will have no
grievance process.  Just Cause have this in their employee manual:

Informal resolution of workplace concerns is encouraged. Most complaints
can be resolved through discussion between the just cause AP and the just
cause AP’s immediate supervisor or University administrators responsible
for the area of concern. In the event a workplace concerns cannot be
resolved with the just cause AP’s immediate supervisor, requests to see the
“supervisor’s supervisor” about a workplace concerns will usually be
granted in the interest of a quick and equitable resolution. This Complaint
Resolution Procedure (“Procedure”) is designed to process workplace
concerns on those occasions when the foregoing informal efforts have been
exhausted and were not successful. The stated time limits are a significant
part of the Procedure to assist the parties to understand their rights at
any point in the process and move the process forward. Expeditious
resolution of workplace concerns is favored, and participants are
encouraged to act more quickly than required by the time limits when
possible and appropriate. This Procedure shall be used to resolve any
dispute, matter, or controversy to which it applies. 31 1. Definitions,
Rights, and Limitations. A. A “Complaint” is an allegation by a just cause
AP that the University has violated an express provision of the Manual then
in effect. However, the following matters, without limitation, are not
subject to the Procedure: 1) Merit and/or bonus pay determinations, except
for alleged violation of a significant procedural right, in which case the
remedy shall be to direct a reevaluation; 2) Any disciplinary matter,
including discharge, relating to an at-will AP; 3) Promotion and transfer
decisions; 4) Performance ratings; 5) Salary decisions; 6) Work
assignments, duties, and responsibilities; 7) Position changes; 8)
Determinations as to what qualifications are necessary for any position or
work; 9) Determinations regarding whether a just cause AP is fully
qualified or possesses the requisite critical competencies as defined in
the layoff procedure; 10)Determinations concerning positions that a
laid-off just cause AP is eligible to fill; 11)The University's judgment
that layoff, reorganization, or program or department elimination in whole
or in part is necessary or appropriate; 12)Civil rights discrimination,
since the internal process established for such complaints is through the
Office of University Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives; 13)Disputes
concerning statutorily-prescribed monetary compensation, such as
unemployment compensation and worker's compensation. If not resolved
informally, such matters must be resolved through the external mechanisms
established for that purpose; 32 14)Any matter within the University's
management prerogatives, including without limitation those expressed or
inferred by the Michigan Constitution, other Michigan or federal law, and
those within any generally accepted principles governing employer
managements in the workplace, except as expressly limited by a provision in
this Manual. B. The term “day” or “days” refers to University business
days, unless otherwise noted. C. The time limits provided in any step in
this Procedure may be modified at the mutual written agreement of the just
cause AP and the University. Any steps can be omitted or joined if both
parties agree in writing. D. Failure of the just cause AP to commence or
process a Complaint within the time limits, or mutually agreed extensions,
shall result in the Complaint being conclusively settled, and the Complaint
shall be deemed resolved on the basis of the last written decision, if any.
Failure of a University representative to meet the time limits, or mutually
agreed extensions, shall cause the Procedure to be advanced to the next
step. E. Any adjustment of a Complaint agreed upon by the University and
the just cause AP at any step of the Procedure will conclusively dispose of
the Complaint. F. Neither party has the right to take depositions, submit
interrogatories, or engage in other formal discovery process nor procedure,
except after the Complaint has been submitted to arbitration and consistent
with the voluntary Labor Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration
Association. G. The just cause AP shall have the right to be accompanied by
a non-attorney, University-employee-advocate, at every step except Step 1.
The just cause AP shall have the right to be represented by an attorney of
the just cause AP’s choice and at the just cause AP’s expense at Step 4. H.
No remedy at any step shall (a) conflict with local, Michigan, or federal
law or regulation; (b) conflict with University policies, practices, rules,
and procedures or add to, subtract from, or otherwise modify them; (c)
alter any employment contract terms; or (d) limit the authority of the
University to manage and conduct its business. No University representative
shall exceed his or her authority.

Theresa Rowe
Chief Information Officer
Oakland University

On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 2:00 PM, Meyer, Brenda <bme...@nwacc.edu> wrote:

> Good Afternoon,
> We are updating our employee grievance policy and wonder if anyone might
> be willing to share their policy and procedures? I am especially curious to
> hear from schools that allow handguns on campus? Do you allow guns in
> grievance or disciplinary meetings?
> Brenda Meyer <bme...@nwacc.edu>, MBA
> Director of Policy and Staff Enhancement
> NorthWest Arkansas Community College
> Center for Health Professions 3040
> 479-619-4248
> NWACC Policy <http://www.nwacc.edu/web/policy/>
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> message privately, reply directly to the individual who sent the message
> (their e-mail address appears in the "From" line of their original e-mail).
> *To Unsubscribe or for questions about the ACUPA e-list,* Contact Joshua
> Adams at j <jamiepar...@cornell.edu?subject=ACUPA%20e-list%20assistance>
> a...@cornell.edu
> <j...@cornell.edu?subject=Question%20About%20the%20ACUPA%20E-list> or
> 607-255-8279.

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