On 1/7/07, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't want to break
the automake stuff before the cmake build process works completely
(And even then, I'd still keep both in sync for a while). I'll check
stuff in as soon as I've been able to verify the changes I made to the

Finally got around testing and making sure the automake build still
works. Changes are in CVS (make sure to update -d to get the new
runtime directory). You might also have to run ./autogen.sh and
configure again before everything will compile. Best if you use an
out-of-source build, like

   mkdir adonthell-build && cd adonthell-build &&
../adonthell/configure && make

That'll keep your source directory clean and at times like this you
can simply rm adonthell-build and start over.

Next thing on my todo list, get make install working for CMake build.


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