Kai Sterker a écrit :
> On Dec 25, 2007 9:37 PM, Clément Plantier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Second thing, the screenshots section of the website doesn't work (and the
>>>> art gallery too), and from a long time I think.
>>> Yeah. As with the remodeling of the development section, it's
>>> something that always was neglected in favour of something else
>>> (coding, mostly),
>>> So again, if you or somebody else feels the urge to do something
>>> against it, the website code is also in CVS (module 'website':
>>> http://cvs.savannah.nongnu.org/viewvc/website/?root=adonthell). I can
>>> upload stuff to the web server, if needs be.
>> Well I could have a look at this when I have some free time. I think this
>> is very important for the "publicity", as you say.
>> Two questions :
>>  - first, is it possible to use php ? (but i can make it with html only)
> Should be possible. I haven't checked whether PHP is active for us,
> but we can get it enabled if it needs be.
>>  - second, do the changes are automatically updated to the web server after
>> commiting to cvs ? (but this doesn't concern me immediately as I will not
>> commit myself)
> No. If we'd use the webspace at Savannah it would work that way. But
> since the site is hosted by the folks at linuxgames.com, that does not
> work. The copy in CVS is mostly meant as a backup, but of course it
> also helps if more people want to make changes.
> Kai
Ok. I've just had a quick look at the website code. It's a bit messy
(shtml and cgi are not the best choices, I think).
The problem for the screenshot page seems to come from the CGI script
(gallery.cgi), maybe replacing this section by static html would be
better. As we just have to put some <img>, we don't need really this
page to be dynamic.

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