On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 4:40 PM, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Y'all,
> been some time since the last update. I finally got things to a state
> where everything compiles again, so I decided to commit stuff. Since
> now the grid is gone, the collision code is now relying on data coming
> from the octree, and I haven't managed to get the alignment correct
> yet. So until the next change, the character keeps falling through the
> ground.

More difficult than I thought :-(. Although I found one obvious bug,
there is a more subtle issue still that I haven't been able to nail
down. In search for the problem, I have updated the worldtest.py
python script, which provides a much simpler setting than the original
worldtest: just one tile, 40x40 where the character should be able to
balance along the edge without falling off. Not yet working, however.
I'll keep on looking, but if somebody else wants to have a go at it,
please feel free. Recent code just committed to CVS.


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