Wishing all the best for you in 2009 and also hoping to see some
progress on Adonthell :-).

To tell the truth, I've been thinking about the Dun Barethsol plot
lately, and it still amazes me how well things fit together -- and I'm
allowed to say that, because most of it came from Andrew :-). So even
if there has been a bit of hardship with the engine programming that
put a strain on my motivation, I'll am willing to see it through, so
that this story can be told.

Looking back at 2008, where we had been most productive in the first
half of the year, maybe we'll manage the same this year. And seeing
how there had been a number of people asking to help out, maybe we do
manage to actually enlarge our pool of active developers this year.

As for any obstacles ahead, the biggest one is probably going to be
Dragon Age for me; I doubt I can pass that one :-/. The fun thing
about it is that they seem to have implemented something similar to
the idea we've had ages ago for the v1.0 plot: individual playable
characters with their own personal story. Again, something that tells
me that we're doing pretty good from a design and storytelling
perspective :-).

So lets regain some momentum and see how far we can get this year. The
goal would be a useable map editor (and the prerequisites on engine
side) with NPC path finding as a bonus :-). Now back to work!



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