On Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 09:34:48PM +0100, Kai Sterker wrote:
> I changed that today. It's not perfect, as the file will always
> be installed under $prefix/lib/pkgconfig, meaning that it could end up
> in a place where pkg-config will not look by default. However, one can
> always set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH and things will be fine.

I think this is the correct way of doing things.  So in reality, it is
"perfect." :-)

> So I would assume that this issue should no longer come up with the
> newer versions of CMake. Question is, is it a big enough issue to
> force the use of CMake 2.6 or later? I just updated anyway, so it
> wouldn't matter to me :-). Some distros might still ship old versions,
> however. I at least wouldn't install a new build tool just to try out
> some little demo game ...

Debian stable still uses cmake 2.4.5.

I think this is really a matter of documentation.  On the page where
it documents how to build things, it should warn of this issue with cmake 2.4,
and recommend uninstalling adonthell before working with the devel tree.

This seems to be a common issue.  Even git has this problem (it doesn't
use cmake), where it won't install itself correctly from source in some
situations, if a previous git install already exists.

Just my $0.02,
- Chris

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