On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 12:56 AM, Chris Frey <cdf...@foursquare.net> wrote:

> I think this is really a matter of documentation.  On the page where
> it documents how to build things, it should warn of this issue with cmake 2.4,
> and recommend uninstalling adonthell before working with the devel tree.

Did just that.

I also had a look at cpack, but I find its concept flawed. To make a
source tarball, it basically zips up everything with the possibility
to exclude a list of patterns. I guess it'll work reasonably well on a
fresh CVS checkout that hasn't been tainted by years of development
(and maybe that is the way to go anyway).

So I'll leave the bits in that I have right now. If anyone dares to
try, just run 'make package_source' after the cmake step. But I'll
rather stick to autotools 'make dist' for now :-).


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