On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Klaus Blindert<klaus.blind...@web.de> wrote:

> Hi there,
> the first release of the derived file format library is pending.
> http://code.google.com/p/libabf/
> I'm pretty sure I squashed a bug or two, but since this is my first C
> library that might have been my imagination :)

Wouldn't surprise me :-). It's amazing what bugs emerge in code that
ran seemingly fine for ages.

> Should I keep you posted on releases?

Is there a mailing list or something I could subscribe to? Otherwise
that would be nice :-).

> Are you interested in a backport once the C++ part is done?
> (I might create a patch then, but no promises ...)

Since it would mean yet another dependency, I am somewhat undecided.
OTOH, it would mean some code less to worry about. If it does not
require too much work and saves some maintenance work in the long run
it could be worth the effort. Especially if some distros would start
picking it up.

> I kept compatibility in the file format as I have used the format
> in my own (unreleased, unfinished) game projects.
> So the abf-tool should work out of the box for quick inspection
> and conversions.

Neat :-). Nice job!


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