On Freitag 07 August 2009 19:21:11 Kai Sterker wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Klaus Blindert<klaus.blind...@web.de> wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > the first release of the derived file format library is pending.
> > [snip]
> > Should I keep you posted on releases?
> Is there a mailing list or something I could subscribe to? Otherwise
> that would be nice :-).

Not yet.

> > Are you interested in a backport once the C++ part is done?
> > (I might create a patch then, but no promises ...)
> Since it would mean yet another dependency, I am somewhat undecided.
> OTOH, it would mean some code less to worry about. If it does not
> require too much work and saves some maintenance work in the long run
> it could be worth the effort. Especially if some distros would start
> picking it up.

Okay, I'll wait a few months, it's really too early for those questions.

> > I kept compatibility in the file format as I have used the format
> > in my own (unreleased, unfinished) game projects.
> >
> > So the abf-tool should work out of the box for quick inspection
> > and conversions.
> Neat :-). Nice job!
> Kai

Ah! One caveat: since the T_CHAR type is removed the loaders
translate that internally into T_SINT8, so conversion will translate
those, too.

And the T_BLOB type is gone, but I guess that's good in any case.

I hope it's still usefull.


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