Ok, a little help is needed. I can't get the canvas to show up, while
label is rendered normally. I made a simple test program to reproduce
the error:

from adonthell import main, gfx, input, base, gui

letsexit = False

def exiter (ev):
    if ev.key () == input.keyboard_event.ESCAPE_KEY:
        global letsexit
        letsexit = True
        print 'Exiting...'

    return letsexit

class App (main.AdonthellApp):
    def main (self):
        self.init_modules (self.GFX | self.INPUT)

        gfx.screen.set_fullscreen (False)
        gfx.screen.set_video_mode (500, 500)

        il = input.listener ()
        il.connect_keyboard_function (exiter)
        input.manager.add (il)

        cnv = gui.canvas (10, 10)
        img = gfx.create_surface ()
        img.resize (10, 10)
        img.load_png ('test.png')
        cnv.set_drawable (img)

        lbl = gui.label (50, 50)
        lbl.set_center (True, True)
        lbl.set_string ('aaa')

        lay = gui.layout (100, 100)
        lay.add_child (lbl, 0, 0)
        lay.add_child (cnv, 0, 50)

        scr = gfx.screen.get_surface ()
        print 'Entering main loop...'

        while not letsexit:
            base.Timer.update ()
            input.manager.update ()

            scr.fillrect (0, 0, scr.length (), scr.height (), 0)
            lay.draw(0, 0, None, scr)

            gfx.screen.update ()

        return 0

if __name__=='__main__':
    theApp = App ()
    theApp.init (theApp.main)

To run it just make any non-black image, name it test.png and put it
on adonthell's path. Also modify py_gui.i to include canvas.h (I
assumed it didn't by mistake).

By the way, I think I could use adding a move_child method to layout,
so that layout members could change their coordinates without being
removed and readded. Is this acceptable?

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