On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 6:18 PM, StyxD <sty...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok, a little help is needed. I can't get the canvas to show up, while
> label is rendered normally.

That's something I overlooked when creating the canvas widget. The
drawable assigned to the canvas is rendered as part of the decoration.
But in your case, the canvas has no decoration. As a quick workaround,
I've created the definition for an empty decoration. Adding the
following line to your test code and the image will show correctly

       cnv.set_style ('none.xml')

I guess the better solution might be having a default decoration that
is used if no explicit style is set, without the need to specifically
define and set an empty style.

> By the way, I think I could use adding a move_child method to layout,
> so that layout members could change their coordinates without being
> removed and readded. Is this acceptable?

Please do this, if it's useful. As I said earlier, the API for the gui
stuff hasn't seen much use yet, so it's lacking stuff and could be
more comfortable.


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