>The following is copied from the Windows NT V.3.7 Admin guide [chapter 18]
>Periodically the database size and internal organization can develop to where
>it is no longer internally efficient. To improve database performance, the
>database can be unloaded and re-loaded in an optimal manner that will...

Doug - This information is not in the AIX version of the Admin Guide,
       through the latest version.

In any case, I'm really annoyed at the NT manual's casual depiction of the
process because it incredibly trivializes that process and, as seen in
postings, is blindly encouraging customers to engage in this procedure with no
advisories, perspective, or realistic expectations.  And the inconsistencies
in Tivoli's documentation is putting customers into the position of having to
engage in lawerly discussions; to wit...

The described datbase reorganization procedure depends upon LOADDB.
LOADDB is, according the the letter of the Admin Ref manual, a Database
Salvage Utility.  At the beginning of the NT Admin Guide chapter 21 there is
this warning:

  Attention: ADSM Version 1 provided database salvage commands in case of a
  catastrophic error. Although these commands are still available, you should
  use the current database backup and recovery functions for the best server
  protection. Do not use the database salvage commands without help from an
  IBM service representative.

The AIX version of the Admin Guide, in its chapter 20 says:

  Attention: ADSM Version 1 provided database salvage commands to reestablish
  the server database if a catastrophic error occurred. Although these
  commands are still available, the current database backup and recovery
  functions replace them and should be used to ensure the best level of
  protection for your server. Database salvage commands involve a lengthy
  process. You should not use them without help from your IBM service

This version further advises that the salvage commands involve a "lengthy
process", something the db reorg instructions don't bother to mention.
And it is stressed that customers should NOT use such utilities without vendor
oversight, something else the db reorg instructions don't bother to mention.
Another obvious problem is that the old salvage utility LOADDB is being
thrust into a db reorg role that it was not designed to do well (and, as
anyone who has run it knows, it does very inefficiently, as well as readily
quitting after NN hours when it encounters a problem).

In my view, Tivoli is doing customers a great disservice by so casually
putting this in front of customers as though it is something that should be
used and can perform the task well.  The fact is that these utilities are
cranky, horrendously inefficient, and ill-suited to any but the most expert
use.  Tivoli doesn't want people using the SHOW commands and yet they
offhandedly encourage customers to run this kind of thing, where your
company's backup/restore system is out for days, you are risking the whole
ball of wax in completely rewriting the TSM database, and you have to be ready
to interpret any message about database internals it spits out in the process??
The Admin Guide has it right: this stuff is not for civilians.

I also remain opposed to Tivoli putting this forth as a solution to a problem
which has not been defined.  Unless they publish substantive documentation and
studies about the database and proof that this huge time investment and risk
will definitively be worth undertaking, I think any customer would be very
ill-advised to approach it.  If there is a Tivoli manager reading this, I
would very much like them to do something about this situation.

   Richard Sims, BU

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