Hi David

I have used STK-9710 and IBM-3494 libraries within the past 6 years.

The 3494 is by far more robust.

The checkin and checkout procedures are simpler.

The dual gripper is an issue.  In six years I have only seen a problem with
a gripper once.  Therefore I would not consider it from a standby point of
view.  Under extremely rare occasions when you are doing massive amounts of
quick tape mounts and dismounts the second gripper will give you a
performance boost as it will tape a tape to a drive, dismount the tape
already in the drive using the second gripper and insert the new tape.  I
have never noticed any real performance gain by this.

On the down side, you lose 10% of the tape slots in your library.  Both
grippers must have equal access to all slots.  With two grippers the top
gripper can not reach the bottom two rows of slots and the bottom gripper
can not reach the top two rows.  Therefore those rows are covered over.

The drives are the most expensive part of the library.  I can go on and on
about how much I like the 3494 libraries.

I do have one pet peeve however.  With the library doors closed (a must for
the library to be in use) the message screens on the front of your 3590
drives are next to impossible to read.

If you have any further questions about the 3494 I would be happy to help

Jim Taylor
Senior Associate, Technical Services
Enlogix Canada
Office: (416) 496-5264 ext. 286
Cell:   (416)458-6802
Fax:    (416) 496-5245

-----Original Message-----
From: David G Kalenderian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 11:12 AM
Subject: IBM 3494 Automated Tape Library Information needed


We are currently using TSM (formerly known as ADSM) to provide
backup services for approximately 3,000 desktops.  The server
is 9121-570 mainframe running VM/ESA 2.4. The tapes used for this
service are Magstar 3590s which were recently upgraded to Model E11.
The next step in our plan is to automate the tape mounting activity.
That's where I need your advice!

We're considering purchasing a used IBM 3494 automated tape
library (ATL), and moving our 3590 drives into the ATL.
We're looking for feedback on 3494s - reliability, performance,
serviceability, etc.  It would be really useful if you would
also include information such as the age of your 3494, purchased
new or used, library size, dual or single gripper, activity levels
or anything else you think might be pertinent.

Also, any information as to implementaion on VM would be helpful as

Thanks in advance for any information.

Dave Kalenderian
Systems Programmer
(617) 253-7548

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