Absolutely, cycle the power on your 3575 and it will "initialize element status"
(you must have noticed that little ceremony taking place ;-). This will put a
fresh status of the elements into what I referred to as "RAM"... This memory is
not volitile, I think, so you might just get away with doing an "initialize
element status" from the front panel but if there is some sort of weird thing
going on, it is probably best to cycle the power and let it stay off for a
couple minutes before powering back on. Once it is done initializing element
status, it will see the slot as empty. The way this might have happened is that
someone could have taken the tape out of slot 210 and the library has run
initialize element status since the tape was moved. This is not a big deal and
will happen.... George

Marc Levitan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/28/2001 01:21:13 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: Audit Library Unsuccessful

Hi George,
Is there a way to clear that ram and have the storage library re-audit the
library?  I am asking because my problem is that there is NO volume in slot
210.  (The Library thinks there is)  However, when I try an audit through
TSM, it errors out on slot 210.  I was able to checkout other volumes in
other slots because TSM associated a volume number to the slot.  In this
case though, TSM does not "see" any volumes in slot 210.

                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    om                   To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                         cc:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    03/28/2001           Subject:     Re: Audit Library
                    02:13 PM

David, You made a comment that barcode problems would show up in an error
not so. I have first hand experience here. I have lost my barcode reader
in the last year from my 3575L32. Mine is configured as yours is;  2/14 and
one library. The first time the barcode reader stopped working, it was
the card at the back of the library (RAM) where the element status info is
The second time was the reader itself. Both times, the LED blinked and
to be functioning. Neither error was reported into the errpt. I only
noticed the
problem because of the audit library problem of not being able to go
through the
whole library reading labels before bombing. The problem with the card not
retaining the element info was very hard for the IBM hardware CE to
diagnose as
it doesn't show up using the normal diag or library diagnostic routines.
problem won't be resolved for the tape in his slot 210. The library barcode
reader CAN'T read the barcode and the tape can't be mounted to read the
Marc's error message indicates:

Illegal request - incompatible medium installed
   KEY 15                    SC 30   ASC 00

This means the tape format or medium itself is bad (this info from the SCSI
Bench Reference)

He needs to get the tape out of the library, check it back in, move data
then he could choose to audit the volume with the fix swtich invoked or
delete the volume and can it... Could another application have written to
tape? Could Marc have done dd to the tape? Both of these would mess up the
format or it could just be a bad tape.

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

David Longo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/27/2001 12:11:32 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: Audit Library Unsuccessful

I have your identical config except have TSM server.  I also have
drive - probably not most recent but fairly so.  If your much
this, I would update it from IBM.  I have not had this specific problem,
have had some problems.  Several things to check.

1.  Run the audit and if you get an "Unable to read.." error then run it a
second time and see if it comes up.  The first time it is adjusting TSM to
library so second time should be no problem.  It there is I would suspect
problem, not library.  (Also when manuallly pulling /reinserting tapes it's
to get them one slot off etc.  I have done it.  I always do an audit if I
been in library.

2.  You can do another check with tapeutil.  (The Atape drive usitily that
uses to talk to library).  Do theis command:
tapeutuil -f /dev/smc0 inventory > tapelist
Your /dev/smc0 may be different.  This can be run with TSM up AND drives
used.  You may get a "Busy" message, if so wait a minute and run again.  It
takes only about20-30 seconds.  Comapre the tapelist to TSM q libvol.
is in element order and shows if anything is robots, I/O station and
drives.  If
a tape is in drives it's home element is shown also.  This list is
"realtime" of
where tapes are in library.

3.  You could have a barcode reader problem but this would most likely show
in actlog or on Error log on LCD OP stations of 3575.   Do the tapes actual
labels look o.k.?

4.  How is library configured?  Is it just One Logical libray or more?  Do
just have the 2 top I/O ports or the additional 14?

I have ONe library and 2 i/o ports.

Some starting thoughts...

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH      321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230
Fax:    321.434.5525

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/27/01 12:54PM >>>
I have a 3575 L32 on AIX 4.3.3 and TSM 4.1.2. I had to manually inventory
mine using a printout from "select home_element, volume_name from
order by home_element". I removed any that were not on the list and checked
out the ones that were on the list but not in the library. Now the audit
library completes successfully, yet every time I get the "Unable to read
barcode..." message. I compare what is in the slot to what the system says
should be there (same), then pull the tape and re-insert it. Then the
library does its init element to rescan. I run audit db and a different
will give the error. I have went through this cycle four times. Any request
for the tape in error work fine, though. Any suggestions?

Roger C Cook
RCG Information Services

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
David Longo
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: Audit Library Unsuccessful

First - Have you done audit from the library itself, like on a reboot or
something - this is ideal.

Second. Run the audit command with the option: checklabel=barcode.
This will only take maybe several minutes or less than a minute.  IF NO *SM
Tape Operations are inprocess.  THat is a key top running audit.  If
something is running even a tape dismounting it makes audit takle much

The above option does not load and read each tape, just reads the RAM
storage on the Library.   Look at actlog after it finioshes and see if any
errros/changes are mode.  You may see somethuing like "error reading label
for tape xxxxx/Loading in drive to read label."  This is where *SM finds a
difference between it's info and what the library says.  It doesn't really
load tape just updates *SM's info to match library.

Hope this helps.

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH      321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230
Fax:    321.434.5525

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/27/01 10:53AM >>>
Hi All-

I am unable to successfully Audit our StorageTek Library.  (Audit Library

The Audit gets to about 3/4 done when I receive an I/O Error:

03/27/01 10:08:07     ANR8300E I/O error on library TEKWOLF (OP=00006C03,

                       CC=301, KEY=05, ASC=30, ASCQ=00,
                       =Cartridge load failure).  Refer to Appendix B in
                       'Messages' manual for recommended action.
and here is the errpt on the AIX TSM server.

5680E405   0327100801 P H lb0            STORAGE SUBSYSTEM FAILURE
5680E405   0327100801 P H lb0            STORAGE SUBSYSTEM FAILURE

I am at AIX 4.3.3, TSM 3.7.4
StorageTek 9740 with 4 Drives 9840

It always stops on a different tape.  I have exported several tapes and
retried the audit several times.  Always same result.
I had the StorageTek Service come in and check the library, and it checked
out ok.
I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden all of the tapes in the
library are bad!

Has anyone experienced this?
Any recommended next steps???

Marc Levitan
Senior LAN Engineer
PFPC Global Fund Services
508 871-4459

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