A native DB2 (without using it as a ISP Instance DB) is capable to do a backup 
of archivelogs.

But if used as ISP Instance DB the archivelogs wirhin the configured archivelog 
destination will removed by running a full backup within ISP.

Regards Uwe

> Am 21.05.2019 um 16:00 schrieb Hans Christian Riksheim <bull...@gmail.com>:
> Does DB2 have the ability to do just an archivelog backup(no full) and
> clear them afterwards like other RDBMs(Oracle/MSSQL)? That would be
> convenient where the log space is filling up too fast for a full +
> archivelog to go through. Been in that desparate situation several times.
> Hans Chr.
>> On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 3:59 PM Zoltan Forray <zfor...@vcu.edu> wrote:
>> Our offsite replica server ran out of archlog space eventhough we have
>> ARCHFAILOVERLOG defined. Both filesystems are 1TB but it barely used 10% of
>> the failover space while filling up the archlog filesystem to 100%. DB
>> backup kicked in but couldn't finish (3TB) fast enough before archlog
>> filled so it is hung unable to run a normal DB backup ("DIA8312C Disk was
>> full." errors in db2diag.
>> We have "ARCHLOGUSEDTHRESHOLD  65" set but still didn't help.
>> So what is the value of ARCHFAILOVERLOG if it didn't help in this
>> scenario?  Right now I am trying to run a manual DB2 level backup to clear
>> things out.  My thoughts are to forget ARCHFAILOVERLOG and simply expand
>> the primary archlog to the full 2TB of space.
>> --
>> *Zoltan Forray*
>> Spectrum Protect (p.k.a. TSM) Software & Hardware Administrator
>> VMware Administrator
>> Xymon Monitor Administrator
>> Virginia Commonwealth University
>> UCC/Office of Technology Services
>> www.ucc.vcu.edu
>> zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
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>> never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
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