This seems to be library dependent. We've had both an STK 9710 and an IBM
3584. Both of these libraries, as a function of library startup (or after
the door had been opened/closed) would scan all slots and build an in-memory
list of volumes and slots in the controller.

Any TSM library audit with checklabel=barcode just gets back the volser and
slot from the library; if the library has an internal memory, it should come
from there. Without an internal data store of some kind, it will need to
scan the tapes.

Tom Kauffman

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Murray, Jim [mailto:JMurray@;LIBERTY-BANK.COM]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 1:46 PM
> Subject: Re: Audit Library question.
> Not so here with an ATL 7100 checklabel=barcode and it Always
> moves up and
> down the rows, can only assume it is reading as it goes.
> Jim Murray
> Senior Systems Engineer
> Liberty Bank
> 860.638.2919
> "I hear and I forget.
> I see and I remember.
> I do and I understand."
>  -Confucius
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Todd Lundstedt [mailto:Todd_Lundstedt@;VIA-CHRISTI.ORG]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 14:28
> Subject: Re: Audit Library question.
> Not true on my library, Ken...
> I have run several audits using checklabel=barcode before
> with success.
> The arm has never moved in the library with an audit using checkl=b.
> |--------+------------------------>
> |        |          KEN HORACEK   |
> |        |          <KHORACEK@INCS|
> |        |          YSTEM.COM>    |
> |        |          Sent by:      |
> |        |          "ADSM: Dist   |
> |        |          Stor Manager" |
> |        |          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
> |        |          IST.EDU>      |
> |        |                        |
> |        |                        |
> |        |          10/22/2002    |
> |        |          01:03 PM      |
> |        |          Please respond|
> |        |          to "ADSM: Dist|
> |        |          Stor Manager" |
> |        |                        |
> |--------+------------------------>
> >-------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------
> --------------------------------------------|
>   |
> |
>   |      To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> |
>   |      cc:
> |
>   |      Fax to:
> |
>   |      Subject:     Re: Audit Library question.
> |
> >-------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------
> --------------------------------------------|
> Not true.......
> With checklabel=barcode, all of the barcodes are read.  This is then
> checked with the internal memory of the library as to what
> the library's
> inventory says is where.  The tape is mounted, only if the barcode is
> mis-read.
> Ken
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/22/2002 10:44:50 AM >>>
> At 11:29 AM -0400 10/22/02, David Longo said:
> >With checklabel=barcode, what happens is that TSM reads the internal
> >memory of the library as to what the library's inventory says is
> >where.
> So checklabel=barcode doesn't really mean read the barcodes?  It just
> means check the library's internal memory?  I guess that's still
> useful in some circumstances, if there'e a possibility that TSM and
> the library have gotten out of sync.
> But it would be nice if things mean what they say.  Suppose I really
> want it to read the barcodes?  Suppose I think the library's internal
> memory has gotten confused somehow, and I  want to do a physical
> audit of barcode locations to compare with the internal memory?  Is
> this possible? Or is it a function of the library (which I guess
> might  make more sense).
> >So generally that won't take long.  And a drive needs to be available
> >for
> >the case where library had a problem reading a barcode label, that
> >tape
> >can be mounted in a tape drive to verify - even if using checkl=b.
> But how can it have a problem reading the barcode label if check-=b
> doesn't even try to read the labels?
> --
> Matt Simpson --  OS/390 Support
> 219 McVey Hall  -- (859) 257-2900 x300
> University Of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506
> <mailto:msimpson@;>
> mainframe --   An obsolete device still used by thousands of obsolete
> companies serving billions of obsolete customers and making
> huge obsolete
> profits for their obsolete shareholders.  And this year's run
> twice as fast
> as last year's.
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