Not so here with an ATL 7100 checklabel=barcode and it Always moves up and
down the rows, can only assume it is reading as it goes.

Jim Murray
Senior Systems Engineer
Liberty Bank
"I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand."

-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Lundstedt [mailto:Todd_Lundstedt@;VIA-CHRISTI.ORG]
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 14:28
Subject: Re: Audit Library question.

Not true on my library, Ken...
I have run several audits using checklabel=barcode before with success.
The arm has never moved in the library with an audit using checkl=b.

|        |          KEN HORACEK   |
|        |          <KHORACEK@INCS|
|        |          YSTEM.COM>    |
|        |          Sent by:      |
|        |          "ADSM: Dist   |
|        |          Stor Manager" |
|        |          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|        |          IST.EDU>      |
|        |                        |
|        |                        |
|        |          10/22/2002    |
|        |          01:03 PM      |
|        |          Please respond|
|        |          to "ADSM: Dist|
|        |          Stor Manager" |
|        |                        |

  |      To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |      cc:
  |      Fax to:
  |      Subject:     Re: Audit Library question.


Not true.......
With checklabel=barcode, all of the barcodes are read.  This is then
checked with the internal memory of the library as to what the library's
inventory says is where.  The tape is mounted, only if the barcode is


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/22/2002 10:44:50 AM >>>
At 11:29 AM -0400 10/22/02, David Longo said:
>With checklabel=barcode, what happens is that TSM reads the internal
>memory of the library as to what the library's inventory says is

So checklabel=barcode doesn't really mean read the barcodes?  It just
means check the library's internal memory?  I guess that's still
useful in some circumstances, if there'e a possibility that TSM and
the library have gotten out of sync.
But it would be nice if things mean what they say.  Suppose I really
want it to read the barcodes?  Suppose I think the library's internal
memory has gotten confused somehow, and I  want to do a physical
audit of barcode locations to compare with the internal memory?  Is
this possible? Or is it a function of the library (which I guess
might  make more sense).

>So generally that won't take long.  And a drive needs to be available
>the case where library had a problem reading a barcode label, that
>can be mounted in a tape drive to verify - even if using checkl=b.

But how can it have a problem reading the barcode label if check-=b
doesn't even try to read the labels?


Matt Simpson --  OS/390 Support
219 McVey Hall  -- (859) 257-2900 x300
University Of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506
mainframe --   An obsolete device still used by thousands of obsolete
companies serving billions of obsolete customers and making huge obsolete
profits for their obsolete shareholders.  And this year's run twice as fast
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